another day another name
and how lovely would it be if someone came up to you with the missing puzzle pieces, the lost fragment of map and said "here. i think you have been looking for this." the only person who can help you is you. dunno about you but that scares the shit out of me.
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THANK you.
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whoa i plan to marry a writer or musician, in hopes that maybe they could "solve" me. and they could describe me in their writing/lyrics so that maybe i would finally understand as well. that sounds so extremely self-involved. please forgive me.. and also, i loved the way that was put, "you think someone can just solve you"
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take these little pieces i have scattered pick them up and put them together into a picture of love i walked around with no pieces left to share but there is always one more to take had i loved you in silence you would still be sitting in candlelight with unmentionable thoughts spoken i tried to stay for you i tried to wait for you i lived my life for you and there is nothing left bruises scars stolen moments if you could fix me i would be whole no more holes no more lines no more smoke
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the nights child
there are some parts of my life I would just like to leave behind
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i sure hope so...that someone will see the real me, behind the glitter and smokescreens and tangled words and ideas and understand the way this self thinks, and say hey, this one's rather special..i think i'll keep her forever
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"i know the pieces fit because i watched them fall apart" tonight i realized that part of your appeal was that you didn't know me before i knew myself. but then i realized that i have even changed since you knew me. i can't just go around chopping people off when i change. i panicked. but you're ok with who i am. you were ok with who i was, and you don't bring up old standards to hold me accountable to. that makes you invaluable. i do want to find someone but i refuse to rush into this when i find someone i won't be able to say or do the wrong thing to scare them off and then i can be silly with them i can dote on them and be loved thank_you for keeping all my parts together until someone like that finds me
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it's not finding someone to solve you. It's finding the problem for which you are the solution.
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i want to solve someone else
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or, ...ok :)
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yes, as a matter-ah-fact I _did_ think someone could just solve me, that someone would just hand me the answers I'd been searching for, like the way the answers are in the back of your elementary math text book, I guess I was just to dam lazy to find my own answers - and in learning this I've also come to realize that I cant solve other ppl, that indeed I _dont_ hold their answers either, that part sux, I'd liked the idea of being some one elces answer, it felt romantic... yet, it also talks away the unnecessary stress and frustration that I was putting myself through when I felt I didn’t have an answer (or at lest the answer *you wanted(it doesn’t have to be the _right_ answer so long as it's the one *you want to hear)) *you = any one currently and/or previously in my life
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talks = takes
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mon uow
what's it to you?