like rain. blender wears toe socks like nobody else i've ever met. almost every day, toe socks, multicolored stripes, up to her knees. hidden under grey pants and brown shoes, her spirit shining through her footwear. 010511
misstree i could roll around in a pile of toe sock and bring their colory strips and toeyness through my day to keep me grinning like a dork. toe socks are a beautiful bond between a certain contingent and myself. 031020
pobodys nerfect *frolicks in the magical land of toe socks with mistree*
My feet remain pretty bare and blah looking until that wonderful time of year known as "autumn" when old man winter blows a kiss and gives a hint of weather that is soon to come to the red, orange and yellow coloured trees, making them sway in the chilly breeze that accompanies that kiss. THAT is when the beloved toe socks come out. =)
Ah,and they come in so many fun and brightly coloured designs.... My favourite pair are red and white striped ones(silver and red metallic thread woven through the matching areas)that look just like the ones the wicked witch wore in "The Wizzard of Oz". =D

I wore a pair of blue,green,yellow and red striped ones to the doctor's office once,forgetting about the "take your boots off here,please" sign in the entryway that's there. I walked in and sat down in the waiting room and saw the grin on the face of one of the old ladies. It was fun to make someone smile just from looking at my socks. =)
TalviFatin I love toe socks. I absolutely love them. Omg. Need... 031020
pipedream the deprived sock dork i wish i had toe socks! i wish i had rainbow coloured socks! i wish i had rainbow coloured toe socks!!
i love socks, and you dont GET any imaginative socks here :`( the silliest ones i have are my pink panther ones. only one pair. sniff.
reue as cliche as they were in high school... still makes me smile whenever i see them

always thought they'd be a cool idea when i was little
randomly recent foot gloves.

gwyllynne the only kind of socks that are worth wearing....IMHO

me thinx I only own two pair of socks that are not toe socks.
pobodys nerfect *wonders what kind of awful heathen place pipedream lives in that makes her toe sock deprived* :( 040111
Shinequwa I love my toe socks! i have six different pairs i think. There are my different shades of purple ones, my other purple tie-dye ones, my pair with neon stripes, my pair with rainbow stripes, my carebear pair, and then my pair with a buncha different blues! I can't stand wearing regular boring plain white socks, my fun pairs with make me so happy, i get sad when i wear plain ones... sounds weird, but it's true. 040113
endless desire being a california, i never stop wearing sandals. luckily, i live in a place where i can maintain this fashion. but my toes still get cold so i began wearing socks with my sandals, creating an indent between the big toe and index toe (if there's really such a thing). but i thought toe socks would be easier, so over time ive collected many colour pairs. he always hated when i wore toe socks. he always looked away. but then he bought me a pair and now i miss him but i wish i didn't have to. 040113
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