Over the course of the last week, I have come to realize a few things: No matter how hard to hold on to you, you are like water through my fingers. You will always struggle. That is, until you grow up and cease to care about what everyone else will think. Your pride is bigger than your heart, and for some reason, your pride is ruling out what your heart says and tells you that I am not good enough. I know better than that; deep down, you know that as well. I am everything you always wanted and I have always been what you needed. The launch of Us was a little shaky, I agree, but we both had our problems that we had to work out on each other. I would have to say that I have done better than you. You always tried to tell me that you had grown up since high school. You were not big into parties, and concerts and not taking life serious. That is what you said anyway. I disagree. What did you do when I left? Partied, went to concerts and fucked around with girls you should not have. Nevertheless, you are paying for that now. I have to be the patient one, I stand by while you are trying to correct the mistakes you made. Unfortunately, you broke all trust I had in you. You claim it was not until after we broke up. However, why did you bring her back to our house when you thought I would be gone? If she was his roommate, why did she arrive and leave in your car? When I asked her name, all you would say is that she was his roommate. Based on that night, and the few preceding nights, I never should have taken you back. But it has been 7 months now since then. I have done everything in my power to support you, literally and financially. You speak of "we", you speak of "us", but when I ask why her number is still in your phone and why it still shows up in your "dialed" list, you tell me that we are not together anymore? You sleep in my bed, my stay in my apartment. I scrub your toilets and cook your dinner, after a 60-hour workweek and with full time college. I think I am done. I have done everything I can for you, and I get no respect or credit from you, your family and friends. You keep coming back, and I have encouraged it. But I believe from here and now, I am letting you go. You can move on with your life and proceed with what you think is right. Except I know. You will be back. You will always be back, because I satisfy what you are craving inside: in your heart and in your mind. We made one hell of a team, at some point in time. But, from now on, it is up to you to keep this ride floating. Once my heart goes under, and it is cold, wet and extinguished, that is the end. Welcome to your freedom.
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Damn. I wish I could say something more than "Well said." ...
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The_Way_123_to_zero_knots_'copy_right'_free Amen.
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