mr. good advice if at all possible, don't do anything you don't want to, or say anything you don't want to. 010711
black-dyed gel product pussy 010711
florescent light always check that the door knob is screwed on tight before opening the door 010711
mr. good advice goat_pussy 010711
silentbobfuckyou Go fuck yourself 010711
black-dyed gel product mr good advice = dingo twat 010711
Casey don't piss off silentbob, he'll hurt you, and egg your house 010711
nocturnal so bobby's a bit hostile, is he? uh oh. guess I won't mess with him. 010711
baby satan never try to undo someone's bra with your teeth. that just doesn't work. and don't use your toes either. you're just setting yourself up for failure. stick with a shoulder blade and you'll be fine. 010711
The Truth
The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.
The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.
dB Truth, for once you and I agree on something. 010712
dB Don't shit where you eat.

That is all.
mr good advice
i equal a dingo twat?
i always knew i would amount to something.
mr. bad advice what the fuck is going on in here?!?! 010712
Sol (in school) dont cross the beams, that would be bad 010712
kingsuperspecial wash you hands regularly, especially after typing the word bathroom. 010712
Katie Rose make sure your shirt isn't on inside out 011024
Aimee cheer up before it gets worse. 011025
Dafremen Want isn't a bad thing until it starts to make you suffer for wanting. That's when it's time to let it go. 011025
Keemeers The only good advice I've ever heard is, "Ignore people that give you good advice." 011025
lost but then you would have to ignore that advice so it becomes the never ending cycle of ignoring. 011025
mr bad advice learn esperanto and join a convent. take up the tuba. especially if you're a midget! 011026
Inanna Think before you speak, and if you don't you probably talk too much.
Check the TP before you excrete from your bunghole.
possessed angel A wise man once said:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to opon one's mouth and remove all doubt."

I only know this because he didn't take his own advice and spoke anyway. There is a plethora of sources for advice in the world and only sporadically do you find someone suseptable to it.
Dafremen Take a good look around and realize that no matter HOW bad it gets, you're a pretty lucky hunk o crap. Once you can truly see that, everything else just falls into place.

see also: GREET_MY_LIFE
simply sheryl do not park under that sign that says 'no parking' 030306
emmi "you'll never know what love is unless you surrender to it" 041129
read first, then write with purpose 041129
fix 041129
axz cute movie 070702
what's it to you?
who go