Dafremen R. Dafremen
(To the tune of:
"Close To You" by Krit Wuttisattayaban
made famous by The Carpenters)

Why does sh*t suddenly appear
I stand here?

Just like me
Birds po0p and pee
Just like me

Why does pOop
Fall down from the sky
Every time
I'm in line?

Just like me
Birds poOp and pee
Just like me

On the day I turned 13
The birds all got together
Then took in turn
To crapping on my head

One time I rented a black dress tux
But returned a reverse dalmation suit instead.
Was my face red.

Still with turds
Coming down like rain
There's noone
I can blame

Cuz just like me
Birds poOp and pee
Just like me.
ferret i like birds, they poop and pee 030812
Strideo krazyness

Stanley Whipple ubergeek Incorrect life form. Birds process their urea in solid form with their poop, it's the white stuff. 030813
pipedream *applause*
way to go, dafreman
(if only i knew the tune)

i didn't know birdy poo was the white stuff!

today my 2 and a half year old nephew got some dried bird poo-but-now-piss on his hand and came to me with his hand held out and went 'ewww, potty!' so we went and washed it off and went back to swinging on the porch swing.
pipedream hates typos men, not man. men. im sleepy. 030813
oldephebe Man, and all these years I'd been attributing that song to the compositional prodigies of the ah Carpenter brother.

I think Karen Carpenter was one of the finest singers that ever held a note. Her effortless phrasing, her mellifluous tone, her clarity, her restrained passion - heart breaking every time I put on that CD

She was also a fairly decent drummer as well
shivers i have two budgies...
i got them when i was nine
all they do is poop and pee!!!
Dafremen Dear Mr. Whipple ubergeek,

I actually toyed with a chorus that went:

Just like us
Birds excrete urea as white stuff
Just like us

It just didn't have the feel I was going for. Besides, they DO poop and pee, just all as one blob.
??????? Nice job, Daffers. You remind me of sort of a latently gay traveling minstrel. 030819
Dafremen And you remind me that strange things sometimes come in plain brown wrappers. Like the enormous whatever that kick-started phallic object is you have sticking out of your backside. (Yay! Potty humor! Who doesn't miss its simple pleasures?)

Let me guess, you've decided to (may I snicker please?) put me in my place.."once more" (again, may I smirk without consequence? Probably not, oh well smirk anyway.)

Please continue. I'll signal that you've begun to bore me like you finally did the last time by shutting up. (Cruex on the jock itch which is the tedium that you quickly fall into and mistake for momentum.) As for the moment, this is something different from recent go on.
ferret i smirk all the time... execpt for that bengay incident at camp that one year... 030819
what's it to you?
who go