fyn gula
the pig, along with the typical, digusting, slurping noises that animals of his type are known for, made some high-pitched whinings as it cleaned up the mess that the waitress caused. cayris felt it sounded oddly familiar to him and when connective memory scratched its way to the surface of his immediate recollection revealing itself to be the screams of praayli when she discovered he had, in cold blood, murdered her husband, he shoved the thought of it back down into the hole it popped out from, as if it was a beast with teeth trying to bite him. he would no longer tolerate anything that reminded him of his hideous past. cayris watched the little monkey using the sign he was holding as a club. he banged on the pig's head in an attempt to silence it. and surprisingly, instead of making it worse, it actually did the job, at least temporarily. the teenage rabbit busboy yanked on the leash attached to a harness around the pig's neck and pulled, finding much resistance. once the pig got a taste of the sumptious offering, of course he wanted more. and this is what got him howling again. "shut that fucker up!" keggi shouted. "the shit's whacked!" he was still very angry at the frafkuel's deliberate destruction of their food intended for his eating and the pig's raucous squealing further added to his irritation, finally setting him off. he took his frustration out on the monkey for no apparent reason, grabbed his sign and crushed it in his hands like one crumples a piece of paper when they are unhappy with what they just wrote. the monkey, caught off guard, erupted with a piercing utterance of surprise. when he saw what keggi did to his sign, the one he had spent two hours that morning creating, he gave the temper-losing wolfman the finger and cursed him in french. keggi rushed at him, calling him a "little fucking flea-bag" and tried to snatch him up but the monkey eluded his grasp by quickly manuevering underneath the pig's sagging potbelly, grabbing on to the saddle and hiding long enough to avoid keggi. the busboy continued to pull the pig's leash until he finally relented and he led him out of the room. "sit down, keggi!" cayris yelled, disappointed with his impulsive actions. "we are the welcomed guests of the frafkuel and may you come to realize that the food he desires us to eat is intended for the soul, not the body. now, shut the fuck up and watch the film." the frafkuel smiled at cayris and pressed a button on the remote-like contraption. the film whirred to life again. keggi stared for a moment at cayris and swallowed hard. he was gritting his teeth so hard he could feel the pain of cramping in his jaw. he sighed and in his over-exerted exhalation cayris could sense a simmering hostility as if keggi was an evil jack-in-the-box daring frafkuel dispiacere to turn his crank just one more time. poj, on the other hand, was silent and compliant to cayris's humble respect of the frafkuel's ambiguous direction, yet if someone would have asked him how he felt he would say these were the moments when he knew the revolution of the self began to crumble. he took a deep breath like someone who accepts something they have no control over and the film resumed.
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