Photophobe Blake Druery
19 Nathan st, Coogee
Sydney 2034

Letters from the soul

Blake, your poem was selected for publication because of its unique perspective and your artistic vision. We believe it will add to the importance and appeal of this edition. We welcome your order, although you are under no obligation to make a purchse of any kind.

Enclose was a copy of the poem

Ode to frowny
C Blake Druery

Of frowny, you are so very frownful.
Whenever I feel too happy,
I need but turn to you, to turn that smile upside down.
You have many faces-
frowny, frowny and of course, frowny.

Ok, I vaugly remeber writing this poem as a joke, about a year ago, maybe two.
Are they only publishing it to scam a purchase out of me, or are these people of out their minds??
silentbob my friend did that too as a joke and his got accepted. he said his dog wrote it. and he swore in it. and they accepted it. 020420
unhinged made everything seem like it was my fault. that i was over-reacting, that my feelings were totally unfounded just because i didn't pick up the phone. neither do you. and now i feel like an asshole. but all i know is that i still feel like you use me whether it's to look like a lesbian or because you want to get drunk or high. so many things that i just attribute to the way you are i can't just gloss over anymore. they hurt me. i can't pretend like they don't hurt me regardless of how strong my feelings for you are or not. and they really aren't that strong anymore. i just don't like losing things. 020420
-{::ephemeral_arcs::}- ...

I believe alot of publications like that have to be some kind of conspiracy to keep the global image of the intelligence of complexity of teenagers and younger very low. They don't dare admit or spread praise to the truly talented writers whose writings actually scours the depths of what humanity really is, instead of griping about socio-cultural issues. Because alot of adults that are publisized... they write almost exclusively about one of two things: socio-cultural issues(including political), and love life.

I believe that the true aspects of humanity are not only more interesting, but more important as well.

of course, i don't really know if age configures into photophobes case at all. But from my expierance with what poetry publications accept... that has been the case.
Photoidiot I'm only 21, buit they don't know that. All they knwo is my name and adress, as far as I'm aware. 020421
kerry did you enter that into a website? would it by any chance be one called or something similar?

i have gotten two of those letters. pay $35 for an entry fee or something and then like $50 more for the book and THEN they'll publish you. ha! scandalous!!
Kate I wrote (what I now consider one of the worst poems ever written) a poem in 5th grade or so and somehow sent it in to one of those publications, that are even advertised in the Sunday newspapers, and they accepted it and wanted to publish it. I'm not sure what ever happened, I signed all the papers and stuff but they didn't ask for any money, unless you wanted to buy the book, which I didn't. I hope it's not out there, someone could use that as blackmail. It was this horrible rhyming poem about the wind and the wind was personified as a person and it was truly terrible. 020422
silentbob dear bobby

you're getting this tape because i love you. it was made for me by a boy named justin. i love you. remember that

EECP I wish I had.

But I haven't.

And so it continues.

But at least it is near the end.
what's it to you?
who go