fyn gula
nylem expertly performed the heimlich maneuver on the gasping panda, who once relieved of his burden, fell in a heap of deep sleep as if hypnotized. nylem, noticing the parade had stopped, looked about him from the height of the palanquin, removed an antique brass kazoo from the pocket of his ground length, moth eaten wool coat and with unparralleled passion played an abbreviated version of "o, canada." he then jumped down from the lofty perch, it was quite a drop, but he landed like a cat with clawless pancake paws, ouchless and ready to meet/greet the nervous visitors, picasso faces upturned in awe. he removed his coat for it was one of those near summer mornings when the sun rises out of a fog angry as hell. he was naked except for a pair of red abercrombie swim trunks way past the knee. they met his florescent lime green doc martens. his tattoos were stunning, the work done by chrysalis of topango, the black draegyn of course across the chest with the words, " toujours originale." on his arms were ornate black lines leading to the heart, pathways we take to discover inner truth and outer lies. on his back a list of the 2o7 women he loved. the latest one, magween, he was still spraying with lotion when he went into the sun. let it be said, nylem was not gay, not even bi. rumours of his illustrious affairs with the queens of alderworld and irongate, the princess of trickling fountain, and the empress of marblesteps, were definately true, but only penny knowledge in kemulya, common, but not worth anything to anyone. he had seventeen sons scattered over broken glass, some of them already ruling purple kingdoms, others landscapers, ski instructors, and one even a clown. his seven daughters were the sisters we never had, but always wanted. however, his tone of voice was queer and his actions undisputedly homo. some men embrace their femininity and cleverly hide it beneath masculine muscle and gritty sweat. not nylem. beneath his square shoulders and calloused handshake was the confidence of his mother. he waved her over indulgent influence like a flag, but he could with the proper kick flatten you in a milisecond. he was dangerous, blatant, an evil miracle. brazen in his peculiarity, yet always the first to point out pulchritude. anguished convolution? never. this was nylem and he was approaching maylay, nabiscus, anton, and nimbia, hand out, a grin revealing two rows of absolutely perfect teeth.
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log burning fire
this is fucking nylem...
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"nylem expertly performed the heimlich maneuver on the gasping panda" now there's something you don't hear every day..
what's it to you?