john Ok, I'm really the guy who wrote woe and testify_to_the_father. Im not sure what happened, I blacked out about 10 days ago and when i came to, those two things were already written. I thought they were pretty wild, and then i got the idea to add that 666 equation at the end to make them super creepy. The only reason Im coming clean now is because I still dont know what happened to those 4 hours. I also dont know where these speeches came from and now its getting super creepy. Ive got all of these Christian organizations breathing down my throat because they somehow got my IP address. Please, for Christs sake people! Leave me alone! 031108
blather lame check lame! 031108
Dafremen He's lying. I know who John is. He contacted me on the 24th of October because of the site at http://revealments.tk

He also told me what the equation I dreamt about means and I have since posted that information at a place called gaiasphere.net

From what I can tell, he's either very legitimate, or I'm slipping. I rarely slip, but it has happened.

According to John, the equation is a signature left in the book of Revelation almost 2000 years ago, a way of identifying himself when he came back.

As ridiculous as that sounds, I took the equation to a certain Rabbi Meltzer at a Jewish Temple in San Diego. When he saw the equation, he knew exactly what it was and sent me to a Messianic Temple immediately.

I and 5 other people have been playing defense for this man, for reasons that I'd rather not discuss on a public forum.

That means we've been leaving all sorts of clues that lead back to us in order to cover his tracks. There are are 7 other people that know his actual identity, and after what he's shown us, they believe him too.

Again, I'm not at liberty to discuss the information in question, and I really don't give a flying crap if anyone believes me.

If, however you don't believe what John's written here, I'd advise you to reconsider.

If it's a hoax, you didn't lose anything but maybe a little dignity...big loss there.

If he's for real, which I have every reason to believe he is, then you've got everything to lose by not considering the man's words.

His main reason for keeping his identity secret is that he doesn't want anyone looking to him for answers, and he doesn't want people creating another fiasco like they did with Christ. He wants noone to follow him, he just wants to warn folks before..again I'm not at liberty to discuss those details.

Ok, I'm ready for the consequences people...so let me have it.
magicforest feels suddenly ominous 031109
daf I will be posting those details, today.

There is no more hiding behind my own fears anymore. This isn't about me, or what I want. This is about what I need to do. First and foremost, that means being true to myself and who I am.

see also: people_disappoint_me
. no comment 031111
maxell *places oar from pickel brine barrel into the fetid water and stirs to stir up the fish* 040712
olde saxon I've got epiphany envy. 040712
what's it to you?
who go