TalviFatin We're entering this conversation knowing that at the end I will fall with such a pain that my soul will shudder and crack. But thats okay with you are made of stone. Just tell me not to talk to you ever again. She has won. Admit it you cowardly bastard. Just tell me the fucking truth and be done with it. You already agreed to hurt me. 031025
Syrope well alright

i wish you'd picked a better week
but whatever
In_Bloom What two people share as they balm their hurts against one another's kindness and hopes, however futile

It's okay though because sometimes:
One hit heals nine misses
unhinged i still find myself hoping
that he doesn't think it didn't hurt me too
but his petulance
probably stop him from realizing that it hurts me too
not having someone to tell my day to
to hug and kiss goodbye
lonely lips make lonely hearts
lonely hearts make lonely tears
and too often
lonely tears make cruel words

part of me is relieved he moved
not that far but far enough
the risk of running into him lessened
but the hope of running into him lessened
maybe it's better
i saw the path we were on
and turned off it before all the base, greedy pain
soaked up the way we loved each other
in the beginning

i do not regret meeting you
i do not regret falling in love with you
i do not regret leaving you
unhinged there is a twinge of sadness in his eyes
i know is also in mine

the difference between
lovers and friends
unhinged i saw your dad pull up to the walgreens
as i was leaving
but i pretended like i didn't
and kept walking

you called me a few hours later
from two different phone numbers

and i called you back a few hours later
(i think i just wanted to hear your_voice )
you sounded
gentle but sad
you hung up quickly

today sucked
everyday with the non_response sucks
unhinged . 140710
unhinged you cut off our feet before we could even really walk together and i still dont understand why.

you knew you were killing any chance of us staying together so you went the mean angle.

it was wrenching

we had so quickly became used to being smooshed together. our schedules. our bed. our bodies. our bathroom. then

oops. maybe that all was a mistake.

i dont see a friendship in that

(but that was the most painful breakup ive ever had. it was true severing of something that was me and you, something that we made together. we were happy. part of me still thinks it was unnecessary.)
what's it to you?
who go