frAnk what is your earliest childhood memory? 011230
frAnk hello? 020126
monadh i can remember as a child, trying to remember as much as I could about myself before I was born. I remember soaring through the air looking down upon fields, forests, mountains, the world. There were some children playing upon the green grass with a kite . Perhaps I was the wind. Rushing over the earth like water.
I remember living on the top of a mountain. I was pushing big stones around. There were two or three other beings who were with me, doing the same. Not sure what I was then but I had a familiar form that seemed human though somehow not as ceramic in structure. These are my first memories of me that I can see clearly in my mind in colours and light, they are like dreams in their quality and tone, but have always struck me as exact memory of being.
life as me..,
and my first memories as a child
trying to remember my time before.
i seemed to feel that the further I got away from my moment of birth, the less and less I would remember. I wanted so much to try though, to hold onto something of before. I can't remember being born, and a lot of my memories as a child, even recent memories, have seemed to slip away into the recesses of my mind. But the time before is like a visible star in the midnight sky on a full moon night.
I realize now that all memory is universal and exists within the single seed of moment which is everything. Our experiences are one.
The other day, when I was shopping, and before that at a community gathering, everyone I met with my eyes, I recognized and knew, as though they were myself.
Like when a tree is swaying in the breeze and inside your heart you know how it feels to be moving like that..
every shiver of leaf every whistle of bark.
roxy I can remember taking a bath in the sink as an infant. I remember the silver counter top, the yellow soap, and the sight of my naked self, then a flash as my older sister entered the room. And after that, I have no memories until age four. 020130
monadh *blowing the dust from the electric caughtwebs*

after writing my little tidbit in: swinging
i thought about what roxy wrote here and how at the time i read it i wanted to thank this skite and shout "way!neat! sounds like one of my own earliest memories",.. but i didn't for whatever deleted reason,..
and now i don't know if roxy is still around blathing these days,.. but thanks for sharing your sink bath story roxy!

puts the dustnotdisturb sign back
roxy Wow. I've only just now come back, but cool! 040921
what's it to you?
who go