the man who sold the world 001225
startfires i laughed and shook his hand? 010123
oh no not_me 010123
god you're face... to face 010124
with the_man_who_sold_the_world 010124
sabbie imagine being able to say this truthfully.

i stand in the mirror and try it out "hullo. my name is sabbie and i have never lost control."

my reflection grins and i know that she knows that one of us is telling the truth.
lost i almost lost control today. this guy accused me of stealing some stuff from him last year. i was completely willing to fight him cuz he got up in my face and i even open my backpack and stuff and let him look in it. well so i decided to fight him and then he backed down. ever since then when i drive by him or walk by him in the hall he's like whats up harlan? and i just give him a dirty look. well my girlfriend accidentally bumped into him and he called her a stupid bitch and i've been waiting for a while for him to give me amunition to fuck him up. well when i walked up he said sorry mand i didnt know she was your girlfriend and i started balling up my fist and my girlfriend ram up to me hugged me kissed me and then bit my neck cuz she knows that turns me on. then she pulled me away and asked if i wanted to take off and go to her friends house who has a spare bedroom i told her of course i do but no. i told her that it's gonna be a lot more special than that. i told her i want to be able to spend the whole night with her. not just have sex and have to take off. 011107
nah....! oh, yes we did lose control. lots of it.

oh, dear. never again?
nah....! i think i meant never_again

"i laughed and shook his hand, and made my way back home"
nah....! asdfhsakjd, "i laughed and shook his hand" was already said up there.

jane i searched for form and land, years and years i roamed 020621
major tom i was strung_out_in_heavens_high 030121
Piso Mojado cause we never had it 030122
phil gazing gazily 030122
fido We did! And it was great. Better than girl scout cookies. 030306
Master WHOA

NOTHING is better than girl scout cookies.
Chloraseptic maybe...but how would fido know? fido didn't have any cookies 030314
User24 everybody loses control at some point, in fact, some people never had it. 030410
Andrewski Control is an illusion, we only think we had it. 030420
endless desire so then i'm fighting for an illusion (?)
oh_well that sounds like me.
lose_lose this battle because there is nothing on the_other_side.
joda Um...

Yeah, we did.

Unless you want to make up some other excuse.

I'll stick to this one, thanks.
you know youre right pennyroyal_tea 030713
Jane Doe What's wrong with fighting for an illusion? It just depends what form of an illusion it comes in...maybe not..? 031207
latchkey if we never lose control because of SOMEONE(s) [and not because of your feelings] then i think we could miss out on something. something that could be everything. and that doesn't feel right to me... how can it feel right to you? or does it? who knows? not me.

it seems more and more like I'll die alone
Syrope one of us never had it 040708
puredream I never lost control until I saw that you had no control... 040708
three words w_e__n_e_v_e_r__l_o_s_t__c_on_t_r_o_l
falling_upwards frightened
what's it to you?
who go