Norm Not something I'm proud of. But I've done it a few times.

When a girl is being beaten, or hurt in any way by a guy it hits a button in me that is like an injection of adreniline and angry. See: rape, it's acctually happened a couple times since than but less harsh. I saw a women being mugged down town and the guy started to wail on her. He ran like a coward when he saw me but I caught him and I beat him until he was a crying and his pleas for forgiveness were no longer recognisable words. I decided that it's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen, this grown man beating a woman but when I a boy challenged him he whimpered and cried and begged like he was the victim himself.

A gang of skaters once beat up 3 of my friends with their skateboards. I wasn't there to do anything about it at the time but I swore I would avenge them. Avenge them I did, at the skate park on night all the skater punks were smoking up and doing their "olies" and "grinds". I asked it they were the ones who beat up my friends and they said they were, smug and proud that they could out number with huge amounts and beat up 3 guys. They asked why I wanted to know and I said "I'm going to beat everyone of you the way you beat them", I was pretty drunk and never even considered that I was out numbered worse than my buddies were. The guy I was talking to swung at me I grabbed his fist as he swung and pulled him towards me, swung, and dropped him. One of the punks behind swung his skateboard at me and broke it, as he swung, with my elbow. After about 5 minutes of fighting I had dropped 4 guys and a lot of them had abandoned. Then one guy landed a hit on my head and knocked me down with his skateboard. I was on the ground and he jumped on me and started swinging at my face, I threw him off and noticed that he was the only one left that was still standing. I beat him until he was almost dead, I hate when people fight with weapons, it's depressing the state of society today.
psychobabe ....damn 011212
devalis Indeed. I hate my mom's boyfriend. He's a jerk and a half and on top of that, he hit my brother, and almost hit my mom. My brother's father beat my mother, I remember it like it was yesterday. He practically raped her in front of me, and I couldn't have been more than 4. And so when Brian, my mom's current boyfriend tried that shit, there was nothing else to be done. He makes me cook a lot because he's a lazy son of a bitch... and I would grind up glass real powdery-like and put it in his food. Fucked up his insides, he almost died. He's been nicer since. I think he realized it was me. 020823
. woah. 040415
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