i give advice to you stop talking to them.
do whatever you can not to learn about them (i.e their lives ,etc, etc..)
egg their fucking house.
fuck up their email account.
get a hobby.
if you're a girl, you can always tell the cops raped you.
nom how can you tell? 060124
starboy You can't. that's the thing. If you ever remember that you once tried to get over them, and that you succeeded, you will instantly be back into the same disgression.

If it ever works, you won't know about it. That's the sign of being better: you don't notice your health.
unhinged throw a fit like a small child and say 'don't answer this. i think we should just leave each other alone'

gather up all their things in your place and stash them in a spot where you don't have to look at them, saving them for the day that maybe they will talk to you again; the day they might want them back.
yoink get a ladder, climb it until you are physically above them 090826
In_Bloom Delete e-mail contact
Delete celly contact
Delete pictures off computer
Don't return messages
Don't pick up calls from unknown numbers
If you have to, communicate with less than 10 syllable bursts
Rock yourself, hold yourself, cry and pain but don't give in, don't give them pleasure of your hurt

Get under someone else
unhinged ripping up the nasty letter they wrote and putting the pieces along with everything they ever gave you or left in your place in a paper grocery bag and throwing it all in the dumpster 091113
yoink and then pooping on it 110120
unhinged i didn't care enough to climb into a dumpster to shit on his shit. i'm prissy when it comes to getting dirty.

i fell in_love with someone else. we all hung out in the same neighborhood bar and when he said he broke up with me with that letter i wanted to punch him in the face.

me being nice = me trying to get back with you

that's fucking hilarious

(now every time we see each other in our small neighborhood
he scowls at me

i am WAY over that)
from hell I write: NO CONTACT 110121
Ouroboros t
Penny Robison sees You remember they said they had saving faith
or talked a good game

but live as a fornicator


fornication does NOT

have a special

"Mary Magdalene -Rock-star-wanna be " version

*just to say

Your hear is 'for the world' 'God so loved'

You're a slut man

I love you, still

And you're a REALLY gifted writer and artist

but at this point

and til You come CLEAN clear through with God

that girl is right

You are a zombie

at the very least..

it's what You do..


You're a fornicator, Nic

You may be other many fine things

but as of January 22, 2011

this is what You are

what *I see

and where You park



and for now


that is all...

that girl who really loved You,
from New Jersey

I am sorry to say all this here,
I just could never go back and say this to Your face



*shakes head
what's it to you?
who go