we all want to know what is worth rebelling against? 010331
johnny west Stupidity.
The two are hopelessly entwined.
j_blue rebellion is immature

i know, sad lines of dead defeatist
frAnk boredom. apathy. my i don't give a fuck attitude. 010401
farmfish the inability to see what is all around me. i am blinded to the beauty of my own life. 010401
monadh our inhibitions 010401
dB Rebellion? What the hell for. Every generation says the same thing. "I hate you. I hate the system. It'll be better when my generation is in charge!" and so on.
This is a load of bollocks. Nothing except technology has changed in the last 200 years, and it seems things will be getting worse.
There is no point rebelling. You'll only create a scenario where everyone is pissed off. Oh right, most people are pissed off all the time anyway.
Damn humans. Never satisfied.
birdmad any given thing at any given time 010402
lost dullness, me, the need to destroy, the need to hurt, the mind set that keeps me seperated from the ones i care about, the need to be excepted into society, and the selfishness i have obtained somehow. 010402
teddybear anything you want to 010402
mmm anything you don't like 010402
laura the lies that the world tries to tell you about who you really are.
fight it!
florescent light
Reblellion leads to being locked up in a psychiatric ward.
Rebellion leads to people looking down on you.
Rebellion leads to being put in jail, or being homeless on the street.

I wish I was strong enough to rebel.
sabbie my friend was committed to an insane asylum a few years ago. he said it was for watching too many movies like 'heathers' and 'pump up the volume'- all those movies where the under dog rebels against society and makes a difference to the world.

my friend believed with all his bleeding heart that society was fucked and he just couldnt cope anymore with the corporations and the lies and mindless need to consume and his brain basically shut down. he told me later his brain just screamed and screamed and screamed, like a fatally wounded animal and he could no longer think.

so they threw him into a mental hospital.

i think he was in there for about 6 months. they gave him lots of drugs and councilling and he spent it listening to nine inch nails and snog and watched people he had made friend with in there die.

and years later i look at him and can see the same things he was committed for still quietly running around in his head.
mmm when your school tells you that you can't wear a wallet chain. and when they doin 2 weeks before school is over, and its not even a writen school policy 010708
god everything 020425
yummyC gossip

biting into my neck so it no longer supports my head, and only serves as a hinge.
z the vapid 060502
z the trappings of rebellion 060514
z unexamined assumptions 080926
z blatantly untrue rhetoric 080926
marte facebook. 080926
what's it to you?
who go