sabbie in responce to what you wrote in god_i_have_something_to_say

in a perfect world, everyone would have perfect days every day and the birds would fly high and the cats wouldnt kill them. but here, in real life, noone has perfect days all the time. the little_silver_fish remind me of their lesson, so i say only this: everyone is allowed their bad days where nothing goes right and the kettle breaks down. please allow me mine, and please allow me to vent somewhere.

on days like that i am afraid that lectures only add to the pile. but thank you for your concern.
ClairE You don't have an e_mail address linked to your name.

You're so square...
cube Sabbie;
Sorry to add to an already bad day. I was trying to be helpful - honest.
*slaps own wrist*
cube ClairE;
It's true, i used to be square. Now i'm much more 3 dimensional :-)
sabbie its ok cube. as i said: thank you for your concern but i jsut needed to vent.

i went to work with a positive attitude today and some cds and there was hardly anything to do, it being 'most christmas and all and judas and i spent 4 hours entertaining each other and that was heaps of fun and i wonder if it might jsut all work out in the end.
ClairE You are a true sillyhead. 020103
cube That's good - i think...
ClairE I heartily dislike the snow.

It irritates me in a way that gets me all prickly hot. (And I know you are going to say, "ooh", you predictable six_sided sweet_thang that you are.)

Also, "Dude guy", as you like to call him, is from the Buffalo area. I think he'd like to get away.
ClairE Sometimes your sense of humor kicks right at the heart. With steel_toed shoes.

And that is giving you the benefit_of_the_doubt.

Yeah, I'm a sensitive girl. And listening to Linda_Ronstadt singing "Heat_Wave". Word. (Just figure out what topic I'd be especially sensitive about, darling.)
Arwen I happen to enjoy your blatherings... insightful, funny... gives me an all around good feeling 020109
ClairE Word_to_your_mother. 020109
ClairE Do you ever go to bed, my darling?

Ugh. I can't believe you are always there when I am here. Don't you have any respect for yourself? I know I only got one hour of sleep today. What's your excuse?

(Guess who's birthday it is today.)
cube Ha! I'm an early riser who usually needs only five hours of sleep. Have a nice day :-)
ClairE Can't...leave...blather... 020111
kelli crane oh my God it's been 3 hours. I can't get up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 020112
ClairE My response could have been to freak out and squawk at you, but I was pleasantly surprised to find I appreciated what you said. Thank you for making me smile. 020116
ClairE One may not share the viewpoint expressed in words attributed to someone else. 020124
Toxic_Kisses Come back!!! 020426
what's it to you?
who go