sabbie you blathe things the way i hope to when i grow up. thank you for your beauty. 011206
blueberries you're welcome. i am a fan of your idiosyncratic, stylish posts. it is like candy one buys in a health food store. 011207
wants to know Do you read everyone's blathes? Or just selected ones? 011207
blueberries i am a sucker for clever titles and usually gravitate towards those. it's very cool how blather is growing, the post list is so fucking long sometimes. i think it's great how people stay around, some have been here from the beginning. and the new ones are like butterflies flapping their sticky wings, colts with wobbly legs, posting their exact thoughts as if the keyboard was their tongue.
i don't read everyone, i'd like to, i have limited time on the computer because there are five of us here that use it.
sabbie dear blueberries,
i feel i must ask you a question. are you another of the shamans who like on the hill sacred to the robin? five shamans with imaginations bigger than an ellingfant train and livelier than a feild of joyous grasshoppers in the rain.

and thank you for your compliments.

you are so right about the funky titled ones! those are mainly the ones that inspire me to create my own version. a vision clear as crystal that i then carve from words so that others might see what i have known.
monadh ya know i just love readin you and your friends
it seems everytime i wander into blather ..i look down the list of today and yesterday to see what has been..and your titles are frequently the ones that jump out at me first..
i just really enjoy your words

i'm glad sabbie created this one cause otherwise i was gonna
blueberries sabbie, when i read your words, it is as if i have been walking in some primordial forest and stumbled upon a book whose pages are fingerprinted by faeries and breathed in melody. i hear bells and wonder if it is the wind chiming through the trees or black-tipped winged angels playing a toy piano. i move through the passages with contagious pleasure.

you are right about robin hill. the christmas holiday has us scatterd about presently. fyn is in marseille again. dennis(farmfish) is in oxford. jamie, maris, and i are staying here. thank you for your kindness.
blueberries monadh...

thank you for your sweet words. i have always been drawn to your posts as they seem to be derived from solitary moments of lucid observation. your third eye sees beauty so clearly.

look to innerviews_monadh.
sabbie that is beautiful.
it is so beautiful i can see it perfectly in my head. actually, im thinking of photographing it, if thats ok. i'll send you a copy if youd like.

give me a few months, i have to find a toy piano :)
what's it to you?
who go