amy nada i really don't get any of this po-mo stuff. aren't we expected to be at least a little self-reflexive, some more than others? solipsism is as old as the hills.

if it's about blather, i'm blathering about blather, so you can meta almost everything i've written, from my very first post "waiting" in 1998... is there some kind of contextual clues that i'm missing here? is there a point? is the point, "get a life"? i keep thinking that that's the context of meta... would like a yay or a nay on that one...
z it was intended as an index of blathes about blather, blathing, skites in the context of blather and attitudes and feelings towards blather. other stuff is other stuff. z - from meta 080925


it was intended to be a trail of breadcrumbs in the forest, insignificant unless you sense the pattern. the idea that one can use it to get a class of blathes is not necessarily apparent to everyone. witness the initial objection as evidenced in no_meta:

"i don't like the meta thing. maybe because i don't really understand it, or the point of it. every time i get to the end of a blathe and then it just says meta, i get annoyed and slightly confused. there are too many. it was okay when only a few had meta,
but now, there are several. it is no big deal, i guess, but i am still annoyed." z (and walrie) - blather_organisation_discussion 060119


i imagine someone new to blather finding the meta link in a blathe which has caught their interest and clicking on it. they would then be confronted with a very significant cross section of blather. it is appealing to think that someone might appreciate the trail blaze i have left. z - no_meta 060112
amy nada oh, okay, it's not get-a-life. that's good. i was paranoid.

carry on as you desire.
somebody yikes, z, "the trail I have blazed"? come down off that high horse please! there were others who observed the meta phenomenon before you formalized it at META, and there are several of us who have contributed large shares to the 'blather organisation'. so don't sweep yourself off your feet with misplaced grandiloquence. 100429
somebody correction... "trail blaze I have left" 100429
() (not on any horse. your interpretation of my language is puzzling. trail blaze was meant in the most neutral sense that a metaphor can be: i left a path that can be followed (or ignored). the trail of breadcrumbs reference might better represent my attitude. but whatever.) 100429
meta meta 100429
meta meta meta_meta 100429
minnesota_chris it's not like you make any sense either, there, amy. po-mo stuff? 100501
amy nada sure, yeah. i was under the impression that "meta" primarily draws upon postmodern philosophies, which i've grown a distaste of, maybe because i don't understand them. it was all sparked by blather_parent, which i didn't think was a very meta-entry since it's about the happenstance of being both a parent and a blatherskite. i didn't think it was about blather, so i was confused as to why people were labelling entries in such a way.

i could be wrong about the meta/postmodern (po-mo) connection, too, as the prefix is also very old. i realize that i am very confusing and confused and that's why i don't stand in front of a class and try to get students to understand things, anymore. i do try to say exactly what i mean, but i also have a brutal internal editor that doesn't want to say too much. and look, it seems i've already said too much, tonight.
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