klairchen I just have a little question for all the little blatherskites.

What would you do and/or feel and/or think and/or act if everything you ever wrote on blather, pertaining to secret mortifying crushes on the outside world, was revealed to those person(s)indirectly by someone who figured it all out?

I may be speaking from experience here, or not.
Barrett either run away from the problem, or MAKE the problem go away(wink, wink) 000926
klairchen That is, someone who figured it out that is in the outside world, who happened to come across a computer that should've had its windows closed. 000926
Barrett Deny, deny, deny.
(But if they see this, I guess they will know.)

or you could change your screen name.
klairchen ha! 000927
klairchen I speak in theory, I think. 000927
Joana. I would most probably die of embarrassment (I think it's a quite plausible death). But I guess I could tell that person that it was just someone using my name... and... erm... my e-mail --- as some sort of a front. Yes... because the person who would actually be writing such hideously obvious things (who, I remind, isn't me) is in fact a blacklisted person who's been forbidden to post things on this site. Yes, yes... that's it. That would be my alibi. A perfect one, I may add. ;-) 000927
silentbob i'd probably feel like a lot of shit, because ive said plenty of not so nice things about people i care about...and if they knew they would be quite upset with me, i think.
i hope that never happens.
*knock on wood
klairchen Let's just say that for me, blather isn't a virgin anymore.

Its been tainted by a couple of reckless eyes and an unforgiving printer.

endless desires long cover up name i have thought about this many times for many reasons. mostly about my parents because i am still very young and i could get into a lot of trouble for some of things i blathe. blather would certainly be taken away from me. i would tell whoever found it that i have a wild imagination and i made up my own life in another place. i have had that excuse planned for ages. it's my just-in-case. 030620
god just don't tell anyone, and you'll be fine 030620
User24 covering up name like enless as I never leave my email address anymore (on accouting of it changing roughly every year) I can just point them to blather_impersonations and say "hey, it's someone who doesn't like me, but they know me IRL, so they write all kinds of shit, hoping that one day you'll find it" 030812
DannyH I accidentally gave Flo away to his girlfriend, hence goodbye_from_Flo. Still feel bad about it. Its better not to bring real life into it. There are known compatibility contraindications. 030812
Death of a Rose most of those who know me in real life aren't even bothered to read anything I post no excuses required. 041208
what's it to you?
who go