i hate you too in other words, fuck off. 021023
. . 030228
TalviFatin Translation: "I'll call you when I really feel horny and all my other humps are busy. Dont count on it though...you're not that important." 031020
Lemon_Soda A false promise used by both genders to instill hope while secretly planning not to. 031020
Death of a Rose hell, I've said this many times and actual did call later. Just can't talk right now because the cat is winking at me. 031020
reue a promise
just don't know when
celestias shadow never works 031025
Death of a Rose I know you will dread the countdown. 040316
girl_jane see: call 040317
pete I've said it before and meant it. Its been more like 'have an essay due in two days, I'll call you later though.' and by later I usually mean in a few days when the paper is handed in and I don't have it on my mind anymore. I tend to foget about my papers after I hand them in! 040317
somebody Before we hung up you said you'd call back tomorrow that was Monday, I waited till 11pm, then called you, you were asleep, you said you forgot, but what you meant was you forgot me, if you had thought of me, even once the next day you would of rembered to call, but you didn’t, you called the next morning (Wednesday) around 911am, but it doesn’t make up for not calling the previous day, although I admit it felt really good to hear your voice although you made me feel guilty for wakening you up tues(day)night bc according to you you then couldn’t get back to sleep, witch while I think is something you deserve for not calling when you said you would I still for some reason feel bad about it, add that to the ever expanding List Of Things Your Good At. 040318
Death of a Rose In total agreement with somebody. 040318
minnesota_chris note to all you women, and DOAR, stop playing head games with yourself. If you want to talk, give them a damn call, and quit fretting. They aren't worth it. 040318
white_wave Yeah! Where was it ever written that women can't be the first one to call? 040319
whitechocolatewalrus will you? i don't really like phones so if you don't call me, i won't mind. i'll just come over unexpected and hope you don't mind. it works well that we both dislike phones. only not well because we never do enough.
[note to self.. why am i writing this?]
white_wave i don't like phones much either. but "just coming over" only works if you know where they live.... 040319
torn AWAY empty this means nothing when it comes from other people, but when you say it you better do it.

i've used this phrase too losely in the past. why do i tell people i'll call when i have no intention.

this is me stopping that now....
CheapVodka Or maybe I won't.
Your probably won't notice.
I won't care.
You won't forgive me.
I won't mind.
You won't remember.
I won't forget.
I'll_call_you_later ...
unhinged .

our personal definitions of the word 'later'
way too different
left much to be desired
D Hey MC, call you later Fucker.

minnesota_chris well you've called me Fucker before 131021
what's it to you?
who go