Emptyness_Alive What is it that causes you to write so loud. do you speak in silence? Do you blather everyday? How did you find blather? Are you scared? Im sorry. 090702
Lemon_Soda Somewhere to talk I suppose. It makes me feel self important, its a good place to get things out. Really, my ego gets to romp here with relatively small risk of getting squashed. Its hard to put a finger on why it appeals to me. I guess I like the idea of the friends I have here too. Its also the closest I can be to someone who doesn't want to be close to me at all. I won't pretend that isn't in the mix. I've written a few original works I'm particulary happy about that exist only here. I suppose it comes close to being part of my life in a way few other things are, since the blue knows so much about me, more than I typically tell anyone. And thanks to certain posts, I'm not hidden at all, even here. If you look, you'll know exactly who I am down to my cell phone, legal name, place of work and even the name of my daughter.

I guess blather is just real to me.
past i_have_words

and i want them to be somewhere that others can read them.

(it's a form of release, i guess)
hsg "'whatcha_reading_for?' 'a lot of reasons I guess... so I don't end up a waffle_waitress.'"


I like the setup. the blue is relaxing, soothing.
just spreading the knowledge everyday: commonplace.
every day: every day.
unhinged i found blather when an old friend, mollycule , stumbled across it when she put the word 'infinity' into google back before google was a big deal. i write here to write. i write here to say the things i can't say. i write here because there are plenty of kindred spirits that have become good friends over the years. same reason anyone goes to any internet community i suppose. that and blather is still relatively unknown. it's my anonymous cool little corner of the internet. 090705
u24 @unhinged. that's why I went to red under another guise, my anonymous corner of the internet. 090713
() (because it's there) 090714
past u24, though i'm the same in both places, i also find red to be more private. i like it there (though at first the colour scheme made me a touch queasy) 090714
u24 i was very distrustful at first 100115
ergo Red felt too exclusive for me, and blue
is so quiet lately.
meta meta 100115
dosquatch Because it's public and anonymous at the same time, and sometimes I have things that I really need to say to other human_beings without reliving ad_nauseum for the rest of my life. 100115
minnesota_chris because it's fully deniable

And even though it's fully deniable, any any of us can write under anyone else's name, it's still obvious when there is an imposter. Here, I'm truly known by my writing style. Or lack of style.
hsg it's like every_word_is_a_dream
and in that dream theRe characters putting it all together... right in' who they are.
Ouroboros can't sleep 100420
hsg yesterday i read about a movie called he_cure for_insomnia It's 87 hours long! 100420
phil bullshit () 101023
n o m why do you ask? 101023
grammar police everyday = commonplace

every day = every day
you were here before. I'm not here. 101024
what's it to you?
who go