girl_jane It's 5:26 in the morning...I haven't been to bed yet.

I really should find a way to sleep.
x i can't sleep because i have 8 more pages to write and a 3 minute attention span 031120
mon i open my eyes it is the world again
a few nights ago i fell down this
tunnel in the sky and there were lights
speeding me by as i waited and i asked
can i dream now but there was no reply

and i break into being splash crack the room spins fever around my bed and my body is the pinned tail of a donkey brought to you by a blindfolded kid stumbling dizzy twirled in a room full of empty voices
x 6 031120
girl_jane 6:20am...I'm should at least lay in bed... 031120
notme 7:30
everything hurts
sylphide it's 2:33am.. not unusual for me i guess except i'm phyically exhausted and my mind is a whirr. 031120
Afro Im so tired I cant get to sleep, and the squeaking of this bed is right in time with the song thats repeating in my head. I just want you to know. When I do it, I only think of you. 031215
bird cobain sit and drink pennyroyal_tea
steal the life that's inside of me
pipedream i can't sleep because i'm supposed to be awake. im tired; last night hasn't taken the dull lead of exhuastion from my legs. 031215
sahba i worked till 1 am now im so pissed i cant stop thinking about everything if i sleep i will have a bad dream thats if i am able to sleep i wish sleep didnt exist so you wouldnt dream and feel good about something only to wake up dillusional in a fucked up reality everything so right when your small because you dont know and mostly dont realize whats going on knowing hurts and if there was anything i could change it would be the removal of my existence because its not worth it its not worth living 040430
minnesota_chris are you a waitress? 040430
sahba i work in a coffee shop and im not a girl 040826
distorted tendencies I don't want to sleep. But I do, and I don't know what to do. And I'm so tired. Whatever. 050811
jane tired of not being
able to sleep

tied to the world
of the waking

the work they are making
me do these days

i'll slip
into subconsciousness

unhinged so_rested_i_can't_wake_up 050812
nom it's raining 060103
what's it to you?
who go