Drink Up You will try adding ginger to your lemonade because it is delicious to do so. You will acknowledge that adding ginger is a subtlety and the shift in flavor is, if I may be redundant, a subtle one. But the subtle flavor-shift begotten from the addition of fresh-ground ginger is totally wonderful, as you will attest to in a blathe you've yet to post. You will blathe here about your appreciation for ginger lemonade after you have gone out and tried it. If you cannot acquire freshly ground ginger you will use other sources such as ginger powder, while acknowledging that the splendor is more radiant when using fresh-ground ginger, which you will refrain from mocking in my presence. Now you will go forth and try ginger lemonade unless you have already done so before, in which case you will ignore this completely. But if you have not tried ginger lemonade, the urge to do so will surge within you, becoming almost a compulsion. You simply cannot resist the urge to get out there and try some, and when you try it, you will like it, and blathe here about how much you love ginger lemonade, because that is what you are commanded to do. I am programming you love ginger lemonade. Your conscious mind may laugh at the idea but your subconscious mind is accepting it completely. That is because your subconscious mind longs to sample some ginger lemonade. It yearns to sample some ginger lemonade, and eventually your conscious mind will relent and eagerly quaff some. Then you will love it. Indeed, you will lust for it. Ginger lemonade is becoming your new passion. It is all you think about. Nothing else matters to you except ginger lemonade. That is simply the way it is, and you will accept that. You can feel good now. You can feel so good, knowing that ginger lemonade is delicious, because it is, isn't it. Feel the ginger lemonade. Feel it wash over you. Well - not literally. Preparing so much ginger lemonade would be expensive, especially if one used fresh ginger. Fortunately, you only need to prepare a few servings. You really only need six lemons, a ginger root, three cups of water, a half-cup sugar, and some malic acid. Just kidding. You do not need malic acid. You do, however, need ginger lemonade, squeezed fresh and mixed with water and sugar and grated ginger. You need the cool refreshment it will provide after it has sat in a cold place for several hours, thereby providing deliciousness ample time to diffuse. It is so simple. You will have dreams about ginger lemonade until you try it. Then, after you have tried it, you will find that ginger lemonade is all you dream about. All that you think about involves ginger lemonade, and you cannot stop it. Ginger lemonade is becoming an obsession. You think about ginger lemonade while you are walking, and when you are going upstairs to bathe, and when you are making love to that person with the pair of lips you like to kiss so tenderly. You will even think about ginger lemonade while you launder money, which you really ought not do. Instead you should focus on ginger lemonade, and how you can get more of it. Let's face it, you are becoming a ginger lemonade addict. You cannot resist this. You accept it completely. Ginger lemonade is the center of your universe. It has invaded your mind, but that is alright with you, because ginger lemonade is delicious. Ginger lemonade is delicious, and it is reasonably healthful, and it smells so wonderful. Indeed, you may be compelled to tattoo "ginger lemonade" in any number of places, which could lead to any number of situations. This excites you. However, the thought of having some ginger lemonade excites you even more. That's right. You know how fond you are of your ginger lemonade. You may even find yourself getting into fights so as to convert others. It is worth it to do so. Ginger lemonade demands it. Your mind has been reprogrammed and ginger lemonade has been installed as your favorite beverage. Drinking it is now your favorite passtime. You feel so good right now, don't you. That's right. 080521
birdmad Lemonade + Ginger Beer + Cachaça = !!!!! 080521
bird I'll admit it's a perverted fusion of ginger lemonade and a Caipirinha, but O, it is tasty. 080521
somebody I confess it was better than I thought it would be. 080525
what's it to you?
who go