jane won't you love me

i would love you
hopefully not more
just equal

and i would work for it
work like the sun
to get across the sky

i would shine brightly
if you could give me a chance
eddie monster hot boxed cigarettes and teeth-ravished fingernails
spending seasons in an abyss
just waiting for the kiss
that covers me like spring
and brings new life to everything
hot boxed cigarettes and teeth-ravished fingernails
j a n e d o y o u w a n t 021112
eddie monster so badly 021112
eddie monster im very needy
i can be so greedy
i only want some head
then im going to bed

im just watching some tv
why am i so tired
flipping threw all the channels
i didnt ever notice where your hand was

i cant refrain
im going to retain
your gonna be my baggage
were gonna kill a fagot

dont leave me here
dry up all your tears
dont leave me here
give me give me give me give me give me

i dont want to leave you there
left without a care
i dont want to leave you there
i just need to care
small one that's all I was asking

don't leave me cold
eddie monster i'd freeze threw frost bite
and snort ice crystals
to keep your blood warm
j that was a good one 021114
eddie monster nothing really matters
when your heart is torn and tattered
and words seem to annoy you
and i can't seem to enjoy you
but the worlds just on axis
and the sun don't realize i exist
so nothing really matters
jane sorry 021117
eddie monster couse if you don't
it just wouldn't be fair
you can still dance
and let down your hair
if it makes you happy
when im down on my knees
please won't you
just love me
if i make you scream
when i get drunk
after every comfrontation
i love to make up
but don't you ever forget
your all that i need
all i want to know
is, bitch, won't you love me
merbein I would love someone, but I am not sure how to 021119
eddie you shouldn't have to try 021123
jane really
i think you should
stork daddy i think so too. 021208
j it's good to know someone agrees with me 021214
unloveable I think this gun needs some bullets 021217
no I dont have a gun I think this bullet needs a gun 021217
jane you're so quick to give up 030102
eddie monster why should i love you
you don't really love me
you love what i have
or what i can give
or how i make you feel sometimes
but are you capable of loving from the
are you capable of closing the doors of love and spending eternity with me?
i've heard yes a thousand times before
only to find out
what a waste of fucking time you are
craving attention so much
that you would sacrifice this emotion called love
eddie help me understand
why it's so important for a woman to be loved
yet, once the woman is assured that love
she moves on in search of new love
maybe it's the girls i've been seeing lately?
what's it to you?
who go