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endless desire
the discovery of self. the longest journey we all face...and through all this pain i've barely begun to scratch the surface. but i press onward...with little determination nowadays, to go through myself and back again, through the black colours on my lungs and death call of my heart, through the burning brain and sucken eyes. out my ears and squeezes under the fingernails to continue. all through my body, i'll travel, solving puzzles and making quick fixes. and once i come out on the other end, right through my lips, i'll be a glorious image of self understanding and completeness...my only fear is that i will end my journey right before my time here is done and sleep and sleep and sleep. where my mind is, you dont know, and i dont know. but i can only hope, you see.
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three words
through_myself_and_back_again vision_quest missing_a_part
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it has been the same issue for years i can't say no; in certain situations i barely see the value in it since what i said and wanted had no bearing on the eventual outcome. i will debase myself at even the slightest chance for gratifying human interaction. and when i can't get gratifying human interaction i will settle for any human interaction at all. and i've heard it all a million times; that i'm better than that, that i should know better than that.... blahblahblah. i really don't think i am above letting people use me when i can't get them to love me. as much as i yearn for it sometimes, i don't like to be isolated from the world. i'm a social creature with a tendency towards asocial behavior. i'm cracked. and the more days that pass, the more i feel i am ensuring the forever aloneness that i feel more often than not. even though deep down that is not what i want; i have come to the realization that i have no path towards actualization. and i don't know how to make one. i don't know how to free myself from the need for approval and acceptance. i don't know how to free myself from the need to be needed and loved. it has been this way as long as i can remember. i've felt like shit for almost that long. after awhile you just begin to believe that you deserve to feel that way because that is the only way that it can make any sense.
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your words reflect me so well unhinged, all I`m passing through and I can`t put it into words. it`s exactly what you are saying. happy to know there`s sombody else out there feeling the same way.
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i'm a social creature with a tendency towards asocial behavior. me to a tee
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three words
sick_of_it_all through_myself_and_back_again infinite
what's it to you?