Radio The highway like a string of gems by eerie-queer illumination...

The city's ghostly ambience incite to labored fascination...

'Cos in its hand may lie the key,
to realms beyond reality,
the dark of night envelope me...
Usurp the light with divination...

It squeezes you.
Casey Lately all my guy friends have gotten into this habit of grabing the breasts of my friends who are girls. Just to shock them and keep them on their toes. Yet the girls seem to ENJOY this. And it's pissing me off. I just don't feel that it is right of me to just reach out and take a handfull of breast from the girl sitting next to me. It's just something that I won't do, and I don't feel comfortable doing it. I don't know, it just bothers me that these friends of mine are liked better than me just because of their stupid groping habits. I guess it just annoys me and I needed to get it off my chest. 020424
radio It squeezes 020505
skivvy We become shadows of ourself... 020526
paste! in the cave? 020527
jlymry327 it squeezes the life from me 050619
palm Squeezes. In rain. 050619
Lemon_Soda Either your truly offended and should not remain in the presence of something you so abore, or your jealous because you don't think you could get away with it.

Your call.
what's it to you?
who go