The Words of Jesus of Nazareth Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in those days of sin and unbelief, of that person will the Son of Man be ashamed, when he returns in the glory of his Father and with the holy angels.

Still unbelieving, this recreant generation clamours for a sign; and no sign will be given other than the sign that was given to the prophet Jonah. For just as Jonah was in the great whale for three days and nights, so the Son of Man will be buried three days and nights in the earth.
Truly, there will come a day when the inhabitants of Nineveh, the City of Thieves, will stand in judgment of this generation, and condemn it; for they repented because of the preaching of Jonah, and now a greater than Jonah stands before you.
The Queen of Sheba will also rise in judgment of this generation, and condemn it; for she travelled a great distance to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, a greater wisdom than Solomon has come.
How can I describe this generation? They are like children sitting in the market place, calling to their friends: "We played merrily on our flutes; but you wouldn't dance, or sing. So we played a dirge; but you refused to be sad."
John, the forerunner, came and lived among you in austerity. Everyone said: "He must have a demon." Now the Son of Man has come to you, enjoying life to its full; and you say: "A drunkard and a glutton, the friend of low-life's and sinners!" With such brilliance you justify your own inconsistencies.
Oh generation, who live your lives based on lies: how can you, being truthless, say anything worth hearing? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
When it is evening, you say: "It will be fair weather, for the sky is red." And in the morning you say: "It will be foul weather today, for the sky is threatening." You can accurately forecast a change in the weather. Can't you discern the signs of the changing times?
Come, all you who are tired, oppressed, and sick of life, and I will give you wonderful rest! Receive my words, and let me teach you, for I am gentle and kind. At last you will find rest for your souls! For that which I ask of you is for your benefit, and that which I give you to carry is light.
Those of you who have chosen to follow me in this generation will one day sit upon thrones, and judge kingdoms and those who have hardened their hearts and turned away from these righteous words.


These are the very words of Jesus of Nazereth. Taken originally from the Bible , and arranged here by subject as they appear in Lee Cantelon's book "The Words" (c) 1997. []
MollyCule do you have anything interesting to say, or will this kind of stuff just go on forever? 010826
blue star after clicking "go" about 60 billion times, i came upon this page twice. So I figured somebody was trying to tell me something. Here goes:

Jesus makes me sad. And that's the truth.
god he's been a bummer, lately 020618
what's it to you?
who go