art choke i was flipping through my english book, one day last week.
i saw the man i was going to marry.
even though he is long since gone, i wanted him to get down on one knee and propose.
his name was ted hughes.
he is really an adorable man.
that is why sylvia plath married him.
or maybe why she left him.
i wouldn't have left him.
splinken he cheated on her. 030429
bell-jarred oven 030429
splinken yep. 030429
pipedream she bit him when she first met him. imagine the chemistry. woo.

being proposed to isn't so amazing, it's happened to me twice or thrice, arranged marriage style...its just funny the way the boy's relatives get all chummy with your parents and then drop the massive hint and your parents have to politely decline while you and all your cousins and girlfriends get a good laugh at the 27 year old idiot who wanted to marry an 18 year old.
stork daddy okay but just a warning, if you kill yourself he might burn your journals. 030429
unhinged or just move to milwaukee with me. i can't fall asleep at night when he isn't beside me. he was the man i learned to sleep with. he was the first man i ever made love to. he was the first man that saw what i was actually offering him and let me change his life. in return, he changed my life. maybe he should marry me. maybe i am delusional. when he doesn't call, it makes me crazy. maybe we are so good for each other that we should be together forever.

but in so many societies, marriage is nothing more than an economic transaction; the depressing reality of science applied to culture. the fact that i am even with him let alone thinking thoughts like this would send my parents into epileptic seizures. and the closer i get to moving back home, the more i worry about it. i know what they will say: 'you WHAT? with WHO? he's HOW old? he DOESN'T have a job? he's in A BAND? are you CRAZY?'

it's real_love. the rest of that doesn't matter to me. the fact that i am going to school to be a professional violinist should clue them in to the fact that i'm not all that concerned about money. and i am crazy according to many people. so...there ya go. it's real_love. deal with it. maybe we could go to vegas and elope. the dramatic_irony of that would not be lost on either of us or my parents.
blown cherry I'm sure there used to be an old theory that you should marry a woman quick smart, fast-like, so that you can catch her before she runs (or fades) away. 090726
danny or before there's chemistry and loss of control then a baby and inheritance laws get complex and babysitting a headache 090726
what's it to you?
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