unhinged i am obsessed. i think there is a difference between ipas and pale ales. i am also upsessed with pale ales.

sierra nevada pale ale
lakefront ipa
lakefront mangy rabbit

Strideo Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA is a favorite of mine but a tad expensive. The 60 minute IPA is good too but the 90 is just about perfect. My Ex scored a bottle of 120 minute IPA which is not legal in many states but I never got to try it. It still rests in her pantry but I'm not too worried about it getting old. The label says something like "Age for a decade or two".

Oscar Blues Gordon is another good one. I got one on draft at the Brick Store Pub and the price was reasonable but last time I saw it in a store the price was outrageous. Maybe just an error?

The Heavy Seas Loose Cannon is a really fun triple hopped IPA but it isn't as well balanced as the ones I mentioned above. It's got a really strong citrus "grape fruity" bouquet and it isn't really too bitter in spite of it's supper hoppyness.
unhinged probably not; the price of hops is ridiculous and the price of beer has skyrocketed recently especially of hopcentric beers like ipas. only in milwaukee would such things as the economics of beer be considered breaking news.

i've always had expensive taste buds. if you could ever get your hands on lakefront ipa, buy and drink it in copious amounts. i'm not sure it ships out of wisconsin though. they are an intentionally small brewery. 'our yearly output is the same amount as miller spills on the floor in a day.' they only ship their gluten_free beer long distances i believe.
Strideo I'll try it if I find it but I think you're right about it's availability. I don't recall seeing it anywhere before.

I was aware of the hop shortage but I haven't seen prices rise too drastically. at least in my opinion, but yeah, prices are definitely up. the thing is I got a pint of that Oscar Blues Gordan for around 5 dollars at the pub but I saw it was like 14 dollars for a four pack in a store. a Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA was like $6.75 in the pub but at the store it's about 10 dollars for a four pack. given those numbers I bet you could understand why I thought it might have been a pricing error.
unhinged i tried the dogfishhead 90 minute at the bar/restaurant i was at last night. beautifully delicious, but definitely pricey. 080928
unhinged dude

they have dogfishhead 120 minute on tap at my favorite slow_food cafe in milwaukee. i couldn't drink beer with my breakfast burrito when i was in there today but i am going back very soon for a pint.
unhinged i had 120 min dogfishhead on tap in honor of this blathe not long ago.

i came across 120 min on tap years ago and passed it by cause i dont drink beer in the morning. it took a good five years for my second_chance
unhinged woah...blather chronicles it. it was almost exactly five years 140630
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