farmfish if people have to choose between freedom or sandwiches, they will choose sandwiches. 030105
tourist Only if they are Free
The sandwiches that is
The People are Slaves
To their Intestines
sixteen mmm...sandwiches

fuck freedom, I'm all about the peanut butter and banana.
jane is that like cake_or_death? 030603
endless desire no no no
just white bread
and turkey
and mayo
through their little cooker thing.
screw freedom
stick me in a cell for the rest of my life
i just want sex and sandwhiches.

(creepy, jane is here yet again)
User24 freedom fries or sandwiches?

I'd still go with sandwiches.
birdmad bread_and_circuses 030604
Rowbes Did somebody say free sandwiches?

licks his chops
DannyH When people offer you freedom, it's usually because they're after your sandwiches. 030604
eyedream does not eat poultry/fish/cow/insect. 030604
Rowbes sandwiches can be yummy without those things. I make a damn fine veggie sandwich.

was here
eyedream I like mozzarella cheese, thick tomato slices, and hot peppers.

licks the platter clean
filet of birdmad on rye freedom and a grilled portobello mushroom with sauteed red and green peppers and onion and provolone on sourdough toast

freedom and a mixture of marinated cucumbers and eggplant topped with tomato slices, and a small helping of sprouts and italian dressing pressed in a baguette

freedom and grilled chicken breast sliced thin with jack cheese and a cayenne-red chili mayo with fresh red onion and crisp lettuce on a whole wheat roll

freedom and prosciutto pressed with some soft mozzarella and pesto in a kaiser roll

if i can't have both i want neither
sixteen oh birdmad

You made me drool all over the keyboard.
werewolf need to open a deli or something. i'd be there everyday 030606
birdmad heh, it wouldn't be the first time a member of AZ state government has gone into the restaurant business...

a recent former governor (a sneaky rat-bastard of a crooked Savings and Loan operator and land developer before he became Gov) who was removed from office and convicted of fraud on some financial dealings went to co cooking school while his shyster attorney managed to get his conviction overturned

the same alternative newspaper that helped expose him and get him out of office gave him a good write-up for his dessert creations at some new Italian restaurant in Scottsdale

as for me, i've no formal training, just the intuitive knowledge of a pleasure_junkie allowed to roam free in the kitchen growing up
jane there's no such thing as a free lunch 030607
a sweet girl they will continue to slave away, paying no regard to the rights they've earned, to abscond with a slice of anything they dind't have to pay for themselves.

and a free soda.
crimson sandwiches ARE freedom 030723
Strideo who gets more sandwiches? the one who is given a sandwhich or the one who is taught to make them?
misstree the one who learns to steal them from the people who make them. 031222
Nukemall we are the rebel leaders of soup. 031222
the mad bird strikes again freedom and cappacolla ham, fontina cheese, red onion and sliced tomato toasted on sourdough bread

freedom and italian sausage with grilled onions, bellpeppers and mushrooms on a rye sub roll

freedom and chopped spinach, a little bit of feta cheese, raw red onions, grilled red bellpeppers, tomato slices with a dash of white wine vinaigrette and/or some strips of broiled chicken breast in a pita
pipers drooling aaiieee! SAMMITCH! SAMMITCH! 040603
a hungry pobody apparently birds make excellent sandwich
makers. i'm drooling over the thought of that last one you mentioned. =(
dosquatch I'll have the sausage on rye, with a side of freedom_fries and a Killian's, please. 040603
what's it to you?
who go