sab hot or cold

warm and dry and wet

tents of wheat
and pegs of honey

ropes of cotton candy never held up in the wind

the clowns have all gone home
and the pretty ladies have let their hair down
and are dagging around in tracksuit pants

the tent doesnt slacken in this high wind
but the electricity has gone out

the generators busted and we cant get it up and running till tommorrow.

but the fat man and the bearded lady have built a fire from the broken seats

and we will sit around it
and await the dawn

the bombs are falling again
the booming is like a giant heartbeat
like a lonely kakapo
calling for warmth

the wind is cold on my cheeks
and the laughter is pointed and sharp

danger abounds
and we are all part of it
past with the news coverage focusing on hockey, you'd hardly think there was a violent suppression underway, about a thousand kilometres north west. 140220
what's it to you?
who go