birdmad The saturday morning sun rises and cuts light beams through the blinds and onto this bued in one of Tony's guest-rooms. It is not terribly early, but you are surprised to be wsking up at this hour after the night you and Zoe spent together.

The red LED digits of the clock on the night-table say it is almost 7:30 AM.

You don't need to be anywhere today, Alex, it's saturday morning, you left the car with your mom and let Bryan bring you here, and you are lying here next to this incredible woman. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Turning awasy from the night table you se the proof.

There she is.



Even though she is right here next to you, and even though she has indulged you in the overwhelming majority of both her desires and yours, her beauty still makes you ache with a hunger pang of something unattainable.

Gently, you reach a hand over and brush some of her hair out of her face. She opens one eye, part-way and smiles at you before opening the other. She twists her fingers in your own hair which is beginning to look a bit long.

Slowly, Zoe gets up out of the bed and stretches. You can't help but be aroused by the sight of the sunlight beams painting horizontal stripes of light across one side of her naked body.

Damn, man.

Petite, seemingly delicate but deceptively strong. An incident involving a mis-timed swing at someone else that connected with your jaw is how you know. The upshot to this was in the way she made it up to you for the right-hook.

She cut her hair again.

She had let it grow just past shoulder-length when she took off for Detroit to spend the holidays with her mom's family up there.

Now it was just long enough to get in here eyes when she let some of it fall that way, but either way you love it. Not that it has anything to do with how, when, or why she alters her look.

Smiling, she turns to you, still looking delicious even with her make-up smudged. Throwing some of the sheet off of you, she gets back into the bed and drapes an arm and leg over you before reaching to pull the cover over you both.

You are tempted to ask her for an encore of last night's performane, but you notice how content she seems right now - and it's catching, because you seem to be feeling it too.

She falls back to sleep, a few minutes before you - still draped over you, She's kind of on top of your right arm but you don't mind at all, you can move your hand along her hip and just over one side of that adorable ass of hers (Face it, man, there isn't one millimeter of her you DON'T find adorable, so it almost goes without saying, now, doesn't it?) and with your left you can clasp the hand she has laid upon your chest.

Neither of you wakes back up before Eleven-thirty, which is just as well because Jimmy K. is throwing a huge party tonight.
birdmad in editing mode "You niotice that she has cut her hair again" 030410
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