roger waters rode_on_the_steel_breeze 021007
roger waters come on you_raver, you seer_of_visions, come on you_painter,
you_piper, you_prisoner,
and shine
unhinged les_claypool 021007
splash of orange
pins drop and skip and up-fall
and the water i am drinking tastes like the liquid tylenol i used to swallow down
d o w n
with a cup of root beer
and your rhythm
still taps
in my ears
and will always always
a l w a y s
be c a use
i play my life to your beat
the beat
of cool and pure
of precise
splash of orange and backwards tapping
of growing knights
in a hula-hooping daze
of sweet and lovely sadness.
god wose than a big potato on the martian wind in your mind, it's the one and only explosion of fritos on the underworld. the underwear of frankenstein will be with us forever. 021007
splash of orange and in the hula-hooping daze
i see clouds that look like cranberries
and stars that smell like home.
celestias shadow shine on you crazy diamond 031020
thieums 1+1 ?


1+1 ?


1+1 ?


1+1 ?


Damn random_precision calculator...
u24 lol. 040415
minnesota_chris would 1.99999999 (9 repeating) be the same as 2?

This question bothers me. The difference between the two would be 1 divided by infinity, which isn't exactly nothing, but hey, it's pretty close.
misstree yes.
i used to know the mathematical proof showing that .99 (insert little repeaty symbol thing) = 1, but that was a while ago. it might have something to to with .99 repeating being = three thirds. *shrug*
minnesota_chris Two statisticians are playing darts. The first one throws a dart 1 foot to the left of the target, and another one 1 foot to the right. The other one says "BULLSEYE!" 040415
zeke that proof is hinged on the assumption that if the repeting decimal is infinite, then it is equivalent to a whole number. i have always felt that this assumption (though possbally correct in principle) is unproven. it's inclusion in a formal proof is equvalent to saying that x=x. it is abstract symbol manipulation unsupported by prior formal proof. my "gut" senses truth, but i cannot prove it.

the proof as i have learned it:

.9 repeated devided by 3 = .3 repeated.
1 devided by 3 = .3 repeated.
if .3repeated is multiplied by 3 = .9 repeated then .9 repeated = 1

there is some kind of rounding up and down going on here.
minnesota_chris yes, but a rounding of an infinitely small number 040415
misstree and *all* mathematics is abstract symbol manipulation. 040415
minnesota_chris you're so sexy when you talk like that 040415
yeah zeke, no:


as you say, there's a rounding issue.

while this doesn't prove or disprove that .9r=1, it does disprove the theory that "1/3=.3r, and .9r/3=.3r therefore 1=.9r"

. mc: yeah, but an infinitely small number!=0 040416
u24 if 1=0.9r, then 0.9r=0.8r, and so forth, until you reach 0.1r=0 therefore (n)=0. 040416
misstree no, because the step between 1 and 0.9r is -0.0r1 (an inifinitely small number, as mc said), whereas the step between .9r and .8r is -0.1r.

and "yeah", how exactly is there a rounding issue? and i was personally assuming the ! in the 1/3, 'cause momma didn't raise no mathematician...
misstree (hope i didn't just break this page with that last post)
from blizzard.com:

x = 0.9999...
10x = 9.9999...
10x - x = 9.9999... - 0.9999...
9x = 9
x = 1

how about that?
minnesota_chris point eight repeating approaches point nine, not one.

actually, not quite, it approaches .89 (or .889, even closer)

I used to irritate my algebra teacher, when we were learning limits, by dividing and multiplying by infinity, and by zero. You can do it, if you just are willing to bend a few rules.
yeah. m'tree; because 0.3r*3=0.9r, not 1. there is a rounding issue of (1/i) (i=infinity) 040419
skinny god playing drums in 6/8, offbeat 040529
kx21 M_Species of

Quantum Fluctuation...
. Quantum_Fluctuation 040529
what's it to you?
who go