anne-girl I don't believe in myself
(that I exist)
and probably not in you either, or anybody I know
I believe that I can think
but, er, not that I exist
or at least matter, which is the same thing to me

and i don't believe in birds, or television, or britney spears, or even the sky

I was wondering if there were other people like me, disappointment
sameolme What does it mean to not believe in yourself and yet still use the word I?
To not believe I matter, I would first need to know who it is that I do, or do not, matter to. Do you matter to who?
god yes 040922
sameolme Yeah, yeah, and you really are special and deserve a lot of praise yada yada.
And what would all us poor suckers do if you didn't believe in yourself, there's only so much Kafka a body can stand.
. . 041227
misanthropic me I believe I exist.
but do not believe I have any potential.
Bespeckled Sometimes I don't.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not special - ever feel like that?
Ever have moments when you see yourself in the mirror, or think about the way you just acted and feel like you're not the special, sparkling little light you usually think you are?

I had a moment like this tonight.
I felt like just another stupid, game-playing, annoying twit.
And it made me sad,
and sick,
because it makes me average,
not special,
not who I think I am.

It occurred to me that I am special to many,
and especially him
and made me wish for him to be here with me, to reasure me that
'yes, Adriana, you are special and I love you and you're differenct and perfect, more so than anyone else I've ever known or ever will know'-

which made me wonder,
could it be true that I do need to constantly be in a relationship
(like he - [F] - told me)?
- that I need constant reassurance?

What IS my problem?
Is it lack of self-esteem? I don't feel like I lack it.
Am I just a pathetic, average, everyday twit?

Do I, should I, believe in myself?

Yes, I do and I should,
but sometimes I have doubts,
which is, I suppose,
to be expected.
daxle I think I actually do. 041227
anne-girl i guess hating myself means i have to believe in myself 041228
i am ..test 041228
milo i believe in lots of things including me. how could i not? i mean, i think it sucks that i'm @ work right now so i must exist in order to think that being @ work sucks. right. i must believe i exist and also that being @ work sucks ass. but here is a real question, where is the lake of fire and are there curly fires there? 041228
milo ah man! so sorry about that typo - not curly fires but rather curly fries. fries that are curly. though, i must admit that the though of a curly fire is a bit interesting...ok well. 041228
no reason i believe in what i could be, but in what i'm willing to be, i'm not so sure. 050105
phil I sometimes feel that it isn't right to excist.

I have not existed before. Felt right, at the time.

Now I am sad to think I stop existing later.
yotipo91 i believe in a time frame suction that pulls on the lives of the stranded. these lost souls look for themselves seeing someone else. they find who they really are inside. a being that will experience rebirth. nay, the truth of belief, is a mere image in a human mind, wondering forever. 051018
what's it to you?
who go