andru235 hello...i'm only wearing boxers, a pair of jeans, a t-shirt underneath a leather vest underneath a blazer underneath a winter coat, a bonnet beneath a cowboy hat, three pairs of socks, roller skates, a pair of iron gauntlets, and fuzzy earmuffs. oh, and a gas mask, plus a leather belt attached to a holster filled with flower petals. oh yeah, and a platinum toe ring, a hemp necklace and a spiky wrist bracelet. let's not forget the handcuffs, both attached to the other wrist. also i am adorned with a monocle. top that off with a purple feather boa, and a ring mail skirt (for protection).

what about you? what are YOU wearing?
dipperwell some boy briefs, a bra, a big billowing white tuxedo shirt, and an unsexy expression of exhaustion and desperation 051018
andru235 dipperwell, i bet we'd both look great in a fedora, a brown cardigan, a speedo, a bullet-proof shin-guard, and some yellow-ducky-slippers.

IGG my, it's getting warm in here!

or maybe that's just the eskimo coat i have on. mmmmm. sexy eskimos. mmmmm.
dipperwell Oh, I don't like fedoras. I associate them with Mexican food, which I have an unreasonable bias against. 051019
andru235 oh, ok dipperwell. FINE. no fedora. however, i heard a rumor that you are, in fact, a HUGE fan of mittens. true? just try and deny it. FORTY MITTENS FOR DIPPERWELL! hooray!

and while i do agree, iNsEcUrE_gOtH_gIrL, that an eskimo coat is sexy, do you know what is even better? nineteen eskimo coats. i have never met someone who doesn't look absolutely HOT when scantily clad in nineteen eskimo coats.

by the way, right now i'm not wearing anything except a full suit of plate armor, an earring, a nose ring, and a saturnian ring (the latter was VERY expensive). oh, and a leotard, over the plate armor. and that's to say nothing of the fluorescent blue wig. ladies, i am lookin' GOOOOD.
Death of a Rose psst...andru...sorry to say but ski masks are all the rage right now...that and ballon pants.

that's a sexy sumo suit you have on....oh yeah baby...shake it for me.
fal i'm wearing an iflatable quizno's cup costume. 051020
kelc i have bug yellow duckie slippers (thats no joke), 12 pairs of knee socks (one pair is edible), a popsicle stuck to my tounge, boy style ladies underwear, long undies, 12 toe-rings on my fingers, a formal dress, jeans, pj pants, underneith of which is spandex, chain-male arm warmers, sweater and a partridge in a pear tree growing out the top of my head. 051020
andru235 you kids these days, so fashionable!

now i am wearing dickies, suspenders over a green mohair shirt, and instead of my eyebrow ring i have a fishhook in its place, attached to some fishing line, which connects to a fishing rod that i am holding. see, if you try and steal my fishing rod, i will know right away, because of the fishook.

don't think i'm not catching on to you nasty perverts!

i saw you all last night, running through the streets, wearing little more than cashmere sweaters, full sequin ballroom gowns, all under radiation suits adorned with ascots! you people are disgusting. that's why i'm going to wash my hands twice before i put my mits all over your radiation suits, dressing you up in my uranium-love.
boner i'll just put a pair of pantyhose on and jack off 060128
what's it to you?
who go