yummychuckle why are you so afraid to post with your own name?

its pathetic.
yummychuckle hello?

answer me.

since apparently you're reading everything I'm posting.
yummychuckle waiting. 021129
hr uh i seriously doubt that it says yummychuckle on your birth certificate, so why don't you use your real name. 021129
duh it's jamie 021129
John Muhammad Okay, okay: here. I've done it. I've posted with my own name. I really wanted to avoid the whole "murderous sniper" stigma by using a psuedonym, but fine. Happy now? 021129
hr i feel stupid 021129
John Muhammad Oddly enough, MY birth certificate DOES say "yummychuckle". Just one of those odd coincidences I suppose. 021129
yummychuckle (jamie akeao smith) i mean your usual screenname, to those of you who tr to piss me off anonymously.

meh, but its your own choice.
Natalie Jayne Pinnock aka *nat* 021130
Constance Leann Duncan-Hunt aka Rhin (pronounced 'Wren', like the bird)

(however, Rhin, Rhinna or Rhinny is a name that i have used in reality for years. the moniker was given to me by my niece, and it stuck.) the u.s. government postal service recognizes me as Rhin, as does my it's real enough for me.
jimmy no one here knows jimmy things. so why should they call me jimmy? they know various aspects of my personality abstracted and appropriately named. which trust me, is better than being able to call me jimmy, since look where it's gotten me. 021130
werewolf oh and i'm not the one using anonymous screen names. i'll use the one you've come to know me by if i want you to associate my words with the unique relationship between our screen names. haha haha 021130
az no use for a name 021130
Suicide Snowman well jamie, I use my name... doesn't that earn me points, even if you annoy the living hell out of me? and it's not like I hunt you... I have better blathes to read... I just happen to stumble across you, and if what you say annoys me, or pisses me off, you're gonna hear about it. I mean, you're obviously incredibly insecure if you can't handle someone having a differing opinion. 021130
Superhappy Snowdog Maybe you annoy the hell out of the rest of us...
And it's completely unnecessary.
Nik J. Kealy NJK 85-?? 021203
niki eh...what's in a name? 021203
Alyssa Rose Collier aka Daxle (to friends)
aka Liss (to family)
aka Xxan/Zan (to IRC)
aka C18BLF3 (to AIM)
aka Miss Alyssa (to 6 year olds)
aka M'am/dear/honey (to strangers poking boundaries)
spoken Bri Shelly is spoken
a name or a token
don't read me i'm broken

not really just disappointed i'm writing this after my previous blathe on warped if you read it you'll understand my mood now
i was all filled with sunshine and bubbly happiness but my husband decided he felt like pissing in my cheerios so i'm aggravated now
so if my blathes become gloomy i'm just venting
i'll return to my usual happy go lucky goofy flake of a self after a good nights sleep i'm sure
ambermoon im jamie too:) 090425
what's it to you?
who go