anne-girl i want to read every book
at least all the old ones... the ones that everyone had to take in the "old days", and find out where we came from... how english literature's evolved

and how 'western civilization' got to where it is today... the wars and intrigues and all the random history

and i want to take philosophy...
find out what people have thought in the last few centuries, and see how all my brilliant (or not-so-brilliant) ideas have occurred to countless other people before
and muddle my way around intricately woven webs of ideas

and learn ancient greek, and latin, and read something in latin

and take math... go on random abstract flights of fancy, dancing around theorems and sweating over rigorous proofs in the middle of the night to comprehend something which may or may not be absolutely useless

and physics... with all the freaky subatomic particles and such, string theory and time travel and all that

i want to go to college and major in everything
z and known, it will become questions, reaching for a new everything 050711
the downward spiral "...i want to be everywhere
i want to fuck everyone in the world
i want to do something
that matters"
anne-girl i_don't_know_anything 060521
anne-girl i will probably do one of these things, and possibly two

but probably nothing else... and end up knowing something

(she pokes her head around the corner of her prof's office, for the fourth time in as many days) "Could you tell me... something about something?"
Ouroboros . 060521
u24 anansie 060522
u24 In African Myth, Anansie is the name of a spider who wanted to collect all the knowledge in the world. He put all the wisdom in a pot, and climbed a tree to hide it all away, but the pot was heavy and he couldn't carry it properly, so the pot kept tipping over and he had to keep starting again. Another spider noticed this and suggested he put a lid on it. Anansie then realised that there would always be new knowledge, and so decided to empty his pot for the whole world to enjoy. 060522
stork daddy i'd rather know enough. 060522
epitome of incomprehensibility I want to know exactly HALF of everything. I think I'd be satisfied then. 060522
oren I'll help you in your quest for all knowledge.

I_have permanent partial numbness in my right hand as_a result of neck surgery.


Without that bit of knowledge, you would never be able to know everything.
what's it to you?
who go