smurfus rex sECurity regULaTIOns

yoU MUSt ANSweR aCCoRdinGly TO mY questiOns. Don't turn thEM aWAy.

dOn't TRY to hIdE tHE FaCtS by MakiNG prETeXts thIS and tHat. you arE strIctLy prOhibiTEd TO coNTesT ME.

doN't be a FOOl for you arE a cHap Who DArE TO thwArT tHe REvolutIOn.

you Must iMMeDiaTEly AnswEr mY QuesTIoNS WiThOUt wAStIng timE to Reflect.

Don'T telL me eItHer aBoUt yOur ImMoRaLities oR The EsseNCe OF thE ReVOLUTion.

WhILE geTTINg LAShEs oR elEctrIfiCAtIon yoU MUst NOt CRy OUT at ALL.

do notHinG, SiT StIlL ANd wAIT For My orDERs. iF THErE iS No oRder, KEEp QuIeT. whEN i asK YOU to Do SomEThING you muSt dO it riGhT Away WitHout pRotEsTing.

DOn'T MakE PrEtextS aBOUt kAMpuCHEa kRom IN order to hIde yOur Jaw of TrAiTor.

iF yoU DOn't FOlLOW aLl The AboVe ruLes You ShalL GEt mAny mAny lAsheS of ElECtriC wiRe.

if yOu disoBEy ANY poINt oF mY REgUlATiONS yOu shAll gET eITher ten lashEs or fivE sHockS oF EleCtrIC disChARGe.
smurfus rex boy, you guys are gonna hate me for this one...:)

The original method for this code called for italic letters instead of the capitals as used here.

And just as background, the "Security Regulations" were taken from a sign that stood at the Tuol Sleng facility in Cambodia that was used for torture and executions in the 1970s.
smurfus rex *index*
kookaburra i was about to say "hey! how did i miss this one!"
but then i realized that this was posted today.
seventh month already, i cant believe it...
(gets to work on this one totally ignoring her homework because its some godawful latin that i took for two years and now theyre forcing me to take it over the summer but pre-ib kids dont have to take it in the fall which is pretty cool but this is an atrocious run-on sentence so i am going to go do the code now bye)
kookaburra except that it wasnt posted today because i cannot read for shiznit.
so, now i must say:
how did i miss this one?
(dont mind me, im only crazy somedays)
smurfus rex good luck :) 040706
smurfus rex anybody making any progress on this one?

anybody working on this one?

anybody flat-out avoiding this one?

frustrated dosquatch Got it! It's a simple substitution cipher. Clever, replacing some of the lower-case letters with upper-case, trying to fool us into thinking there was a pattern there. Here's the beginning of the plain text:

Security Regulations

You must answer accordingly to my questions. Don't turn them away.

Don't try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that. You are strictly prohibited to contest me.

u24 b-l-t-r-l 040720
smurfus rex mmm...Bacon.

u24 as usual, I know what method was used, just can't crack it.. :-( 040721
u24 YES!

znal cbyvgvpvnaf bs bhe gvzr ner va gur unorg bs ynlvat vg qbja nf n frxs rivqrag cebcbfvgvba kung ab crbcyr bituf gb or serr hagvy gurl ner svg gb hfr furve serrqbz kybeq znpnhyrlkn
u24 couple of spleling mistakes, mr rex. ;) 040721
u24 erm, Mr Rex? 040723
smurfus rex you da MAN, u24!

were those spelling mistakes mine? I triple-checked for accuracy, but I still haven't filled my proofreader position...:)

what turned on your light bulb?
u24 I started wrongly; I assumed it was 8 bit ascii, was having no luck with that, so thought maybe it was literally a=1, b=2, etc, and then it was easy. I wrote a PHP script to decode it for me. :-) keep em coming! 040802
kx21 Secret_code... 040802
u24 but I wouldn't have got it if you hadn't said about the italics. 040802
smurfus rex #5 is almost here...I just keep forgetting to bring it to work. :)

Prepare yourself.
smurfus rex code_challenge_5 is ALIVE!

Have fun.
smurfus rex code_challenge_6 , pick up sticks... 040831
:) SHE4 040831
smurfus rex I wonder what code_challenge_07 and code_challenge_08 would look like in shorthand... 050207
**** TOE4 050208
.... **** 050208
what's it to you?
who go