Why do I continue to have so much faith in the sincerity of every human's soul?

Can someone please tell me why there is so much pain? Why does there have to be so much pain?

How many people truly believe in, & make it a practice to 'agree to disagree'? (It's okay you know...)

How many people have you professed love for today? ...and did you mean each word? Do you even remember the last person you told?

How can I obtain the ability to express my feelings precisely, to the appropriate person, at the exact moment I feel them?

How can I possibly define the love that Peyton and I have for each other? How can it be impossible to achieve perfection, yet our love is truly pure...ultimately perfect?

Why do the colors red & black, only when I see them intermingled, always remind me of pain...blood...death? (together, I can't see them separately, even for what they are...colors)

Who took it upon themselves to decide, exactly what is expected of me, as a member of the human race? Why do we continue to set so many rules for ourselves, when all we really want to do is break free and run?

Who in this world, actually likes Gooseberry pie? Rhubarb pie?

Why does society at large, look down upon someone who is introverted? Maybe they just don't want to contaminate themselves, with the majority of the human population, as it is? (I don't most of the time, and I would not label myself as anything, especially an introvert. I just have my eyes open!)

Who will actually understand, that I am not seeking answers for these questions, because they are meant only for 'the cosmic void'?

Why can't I ever manage to get beyond, tying that first cherry-stem knot, with my tongue? How is it that I can sit for an hour trying to accomplish this task, yet calling my father remains below it, on my list of priorities?

What does God have planned for 'us'?

When one day, as Peyton and I have children, will they see their father, as I see him? Will they look at him, unable to tear their eyes away, and think how blessed they are to have such an amazing creature in their life?

What if I wake up, and I'm just not there anymore?
florescent light These are the most beautiful questions I have ever heard anyone ask.

I sit around, more often than not, and ponder the answers to like questions.

I love being inside my head.
User24 "Maybe they just don't want to contaminate themselves, with the majority of the human population, as it is?"

so correct
what's it to you?
who go