hsg you have to wonder about theses things. 080720
hsg *these 080720
unhinged i have had my heart broken by bicurious girls. i find it to be bullshit, personally. 080720
hsg i seriously doubt penises or vaginas have anything to do with why people treat each other as they do. 080720
dafremen I'd think about that statement twice if I were you. (But I am me..and so I won't..just this once.) 080720
hsg go deeper. i've thought twice. on the surface penises and vaginae are fucking everything. howhyou treat someone is internal. 080720
Ouroboros agreed 080720
unhinged yes, but at least around here, many people determine how they treat others by whether or not they will get laid. i live two blocks from a college campus. the biology of sex is internal. way too many people are ruled by their hormones and their id. 080720
dafremen agreed 080721
unhinged (a variation on the same bisexual rant i've always had...that bisexuals can't be monogamous, that they are greedy, that they really aren't bisexual; which is only made worse by the 'bicurious' set. especially if drugs were involved, i've had plenty of straight girls hang all over me only to get more attention from guys. in the moment, i don't mind cause it's nice to have a cute round soft girl to hold onto. but in the sober afterthefact, it is clearly bullshit. i have learned to spot a pretendo_lesbian from miles away and not allow myself to become emotionally attached when said faker decides to conveniently attach herself to me at a party or bar. which i guess would be another in the myriad of reasons why i'm so fucked_up when it comes to sex and relationships. i have always based my sexuality on the ability to fall in_love. not whether or not i wanted their hands all over me. i guess i have weird and olf_fashioned views on what these things should be. *sigh* so to make this even longer rant short, bicurious people are not innocent. they make it okay for most guys i've slept with to ask for a threesome, which i'm not really down for and pretty much offends me. i mean damn dude, isn't enough that you're fucking me right now without thinking about another chick being involved?)

is obviously disgusted with sex lately
Ouroboros "If a guy and a girl are doing it during sex—whatever it is, whatever it looks like—it's straight sex. And, yes, that includes a pair of straight girls making out to turn on a straight boy..."

quoting mr dan savage
what's it to you?
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