Hopeful4 u
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Are you being blinded by this world? If you died right now are you sure that you would go to heaven? You can be sure JOHN 3:16 Your time is still running out. How much time do YOU have left???????
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OH PLEASE, we have been through this before... god may want you but blather sure as fuck doesn't. go away and don't come back until you have some thoughts that weren't shoved down your throat first.
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do you think this helps me any? i'm not going to say " Oh, wow that looks like a nice religion-thing ot believe right there". fuck no. stop ruining my perception, and go find someone who doesn't have problems already to try and freak out. it doesn't work on me anymore.
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believe in me or die is a form of extortion, is it not? perhaps that is too harsh a characterization but it seems that a lot of that is going around lately. living in harmony with the universe seems the way to go. whatever it takes to do that, do it. i happen to believe in a creator and i pray to that spirit (and my ancestors also.) im on a journey to self-realization. its slow and hard. not much visible support. but i keep on. the jesus story may be a valid but there are many interpretations to even that story. i still dont really know love myself. i can see where love is trying to reach me but so far.... that is where i am puzzled, why dont i "get it?"
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bird dylan
because he took you for a ride and because time is on his side and because...
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Don't wait until it's to late
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www.spurgeon.org for answers
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never enough, but thankful for all that I get.
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all the time of my life is the time i have. i do not know how much time this is, because fortunatly i do not know when or how i will die. i would be happy to spend all this time with you
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endless desire
i wonder what these people are thinking. religion isn't about a tagline or so fear of dying. they think they have all the answers when really they are even more lost then anyone. it makes me sick when people try to take something i really appreciate and value, and sell it to people in one liners about fear or hope. let people find themselves. don't try to find themselves for them...everyone loses that way.
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they told me 2 months. that was 45 days ago.
what's it to you?