megan hey_endless_desire 030607
endless desire yay someone said hi to me.
uhh i do believe the correct response on my part would be to say hi back.
hi megan.
megan i noticed you were online so i decided to drop a line :) 030607
Aimee I really admire what you have to say. Sure some of it is everyday things, but they're everyday things most people don't think about. I really enjoy what you write... keep up the good work. 030607
endless desire hey aimee
thank you.
you don't know what that means to me. :)
pobodys nerfect "I think it's so pathetic that I woke up all sweaty and afraid..of food. How lame."
Seeing that brought tears to my eyes. Don't ever feel ashamed or embarassed by your fears. It doesen't matter what anyone else thinks of them--they're obviously very real to you,and that's the only thing that matters. You're a sweet girl and I hope someday you can overcome what you're going through. *hugs*
endless desire well jeez. . .
*feels all warm and fuzzy inside*
i always knew i like pobody.
i really needed that right now.
i don't know where to begin to thankyou.
but i just needed something encouraging and warm, such as what you said.
some days, it's the little things that keep you going.
pobodys nerfect I'm glad I made you feel a little better,dear. And for the record,I wrote that BEFORE I saw the compliment you gave me on my page.(Thank you,by the way). 030621
endless desire hi me. i'm lonely.
how ya doing?
anyone alive?
ok i'll just sit here.
and twiddle my thumbs.
i'm ok with that.
blah-ze mmm, i get that feeling too. it's quiet as a morgue at my house. crap, i'm meant to be watching the little brother. i hope the dog ain't gone and et him.

anyway, the endless desire shrine is functioning and attracting a steady stream of pilgrims. everyday i go out and offer a living sacrifice to the god(ess) thou art. it is slightly to the left of my window, right next to the bird bath.

side note: i am serious about the shrine, in fact, i am serious about everything but the pilgrims.
endless desire do the birds visit your bird bath? 030930
ROFL fellow blatherites,

I commend you all that stalk through this web. Blathe a trail.

Wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean.

Nice warm page.
im not sure what you're talking about. 031010
Death of a Rose top o' the morning to ya lass

bright smiles and small wrapped gifts I bring.
Road good night illicit infinity. dreams of humour marked gatherings for you. 031226
whitechocolatewalrus hey endlessD
your book is soon forthcoming
and the world goes round and round
and i think of you with smiles in piles
[endless_smiles for you]
the end.
what's it to you?
who go