2 1/2 wise cracks Stalking.

Wearing night vision goggles while perched in a tree or something(see #1).

Asking a girl out while speaking Klingon, then laughing when she doesn't understand.

Calling 1-900 numbers.

Walking nonchalantly through the lingerie section of Sears three or four times, sneaking quick glances.

Dressing up as a Federation of Planets Admiral because hey, chicks dig the people with the highest rank.

Setting your Casio watch to beep when you're next to some girl and hoping she'll say, "Wow Bernard, is that that the new Casio GMT-90 with global positioning tracking and Indiglo? You're cool."

Playing some "interactive sex" game on your computer.

*molly he, taller than most fully grown adults and still growing; me, tiny and seeming to have reached my full height three years prior to our meeting - the both of us, pale and painfully thin, our wire rimmed glasses occasionally clinking together when we went in for a kiss and forgot them. we were frequently awake at three-thirty, conversing via internet over books, shoes, politics, or any number of commodities. he knew unix, i knew html. so we were, once. 010730
MollyCule a book by Katherine Dunn. Go read it. It has nothing to do with what we thinks of as "geeks" these days. It's about geeks in the traditional sense - ie, people who bite the heads off of chickens. Anyway, I could in no way do this book justice. Just go read it. 010731
*molly and was a very good book indeed, as mollycule so elegantly states. 010731
blue star This book gave my view of the world an oh-so-tiny tweek.

And it was funny as hell.
Freak When you hear "I want to pick your nose" It translates into " I love you" 020806
Freak When you hear "I want to pick your nose" It translates into " I love you" 020806
Lilac strange book, didn't like the way it ended. 030225
girlnamedlover whatever happened to Chick in the end? did he grow up and go somewhere? I dont remember. or did it not say anything about it? 030226
Freak I don't think it said 030226
jane blaise told me about this book and i wanted to remember the title so i wrote it in the dust on my tv. i realized later that i wrote it with my left hand without thinking about it

anyway i still haven't read it and it's been written on my tv for a long time now
quotree "If being a geek means being passionate about something, then I pity those who aren't geeks." -Pike65 040412
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