One of my clients (Diagnosis: MMR/Down Syndrome) has been in a wretched mood for 3 solid days. She thinks that I am trying to 'pull one over' on her. I usually wake her up every morning, so that she can get ready for work. She thinks that I am waking her up earlier than usual, and she is down right pissed about it. You see, I cannot make her understand, that I am not waking her up earlier, and that the reason it's dark outside, is because it's winter, and the sunrise comes later, this time of year. She does not understand this, which is understandable, as she does not posess the level of comprehension, that you and I do. This morning I feel like I got through to her. Right! I told her that the sun is just being lazy. Damn that sun! I told her she should feel proud of herself for beating the sun to breakfast. She gloated, at hearing this last statement, and bounced from my office. However, tomorrow...all over again! Now, in about a month, she will be okay with the fact, that she is rising, while it is still dark. It's not because she will grasp the concept, but only because she will just accept what we are telling her, and will just peacefully ride out the long wait, until she thinks that we give in, and wake her 'later' (Spring). I go through this every winter with her. I have for almost 8 years. Our planet, and it's existence, is just too big for her. No matter how much I teach her, her comprehension just won't let her grasp the big picture. Do things worry her, like they do you and I? No. When she becomes upset about something, it may seem mundane to us, but to her, it's a break in her structure and routine, which is key in her life. To her - my worries do not supercede hers. She worries about someone taking 'her' chair, with the same level of intensity, as I worry about the state of our nation. Anyway...round 2 takes place tomorrow morning. I guess an abundance of patience, is a virtue of mine. That is, until you find me pacing in my office, counting down from 100, after she has just swatted her hienie, with her hand, and walked off. That simple gesture means: 'Kiss My Ass!', and you can believe, she knows exactly what it means, in the sense of being a true smartass! *smile* I gotta' love her though - She definitely has the right attitude for this world! *smile*
what's it to you?