tender_square dropping a plastic clamshell of grape tomatoes on the driveway. i yelled "SHIT!" as my neighbour was helping her niece carry a baby to the car. (and you bet your ass i picked up every last red oval from the pavement. i wasn't about to let $3.50 go to waste.) 221214
raze a whole lot of fucking shit. 221215
kerry the basement flooding. again. 221216
tender_square falling up a set of concrete steps and catching myself with my right hand. 221218
past the pineapple's juice finding every crack in my tired hands as i carved it. each sting a little bite of vegetal revenge. (fruit know that revenge is best served sweet.) 221219
tender_square the gas pump refusing not one, but two different debit cards as it flashed the annoying message "please see cashier." i was yelling "jesus fucking christ," in my hanger not realizing that there was someone on the other side of the gas bar listening. 221223
past the bright red "high fever" signal on the forehead thermometer after checking one of the littles. 221223
tender_square unpacking the groceries and realizing i forgot to buy red peppers at my second stop after they hadn't been available at the first. 230111
past a giant pile of hot asphalt on the sidewalk for the adjacent construction project, forcing me and the stroller into the road. 230111
kerry nearly missing the bus, which was one minute early instead of five minutes late as usual. 230111
tender_square a white minivan that nearly ran me down outside herman high when the driver attempted to roll through the stop sign, only paying attention to the students that were walking in the same direction as the vehicle was traveling and not to the pedestrian RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. 230112
tender_square sneezing in successive bursts so violent i feel my bones rattling. 230121
raze stubbing my toe for the first time in recent memory. 230131
raze an ancient dvd player, toppled from the top of a tv i haven't turned on in years, made angry enough by the juice in my jumping_jacks to do a backward dive into a swimming pool lined with carpet and bad intentions. 230201
raze all the things. 230202
tender_square ikea being completely out of the trones shoe rack. 230305
raze a city that threatens its residents when they dare to question the corruption that surrounds them. 230414
raze the same train_whistle that's been stabbing me in the brain almost every morning, afternoon, and night without fail since october of last year. 230502
raze biting the inside of my mouth hard enough to draw blood. 230510
tender_square moxy biting my lip when i went in to give her a kiss. (note to self: don't try to smooch anxious dogs.) 230516
raze my camera failing to focus in time to capture a bit of magic that was happening right in front of me. 230519
raze street racing after_midnight (a regular occurrence now). 230526
tender_square my weekend being taken over by city training, nine to five each day, for a recreation job that i'm not even sure i want anymore (and have already done a bunch of unpaid online training for the past week). 230601
raze a starling stealing food that wasn't meant for them. 230602
tender_square traffic in every goddamn place. 230602
raze an insufferable robin that won't SHUT THE FUCK UP. 230611
raze realizing almost every picture i took this morning was ruined by an unintentionally high ISO setting. 230614
tender_square the crush of cars on what few streets we have traversing this city from west to east. when one route is unavailable, it's felt everywhere else. 230615
raze the stubborn seal on a bottle of orange juice. 230616
raze stubbing my toe. again. what came out of me between gritted teeth rhymed with this:

"ducking hunt, cheese and rice, piece of mother trucking spit."
raze boundless human stupidity. 230701
nr what made me cry yesterday 230701
raze mother_nature. 230702
raze the same asshole who's been lighting off firecrackers seventy or eighty nights a year for the last decade. 230714
raze tripping and losing my grip on my nut sack.

(that's the bag i keep the food in for my furry friends. not my ... you know.)
tender_square seeing the tenant drop his sixth bag of garbage into the bin the span of a week. there's got to be fifty pounds of trash in that can, easy. (how in the fuck does one person generate so much garbage? oh...) 230718
raze the ceaseless screaming of uninventive children.

(also what_i'm_listening_to_right_now.)
raze smacking a single knuckle on a dormant tv set. 230726
tender_square campers neglecting to turn the drinking water valve completely shut and letting precious water urinate a steady stream down the stone wall. 230729
tender_square a rash of raised bumps i thought was poison ivy, but was actually moss from a park bench irritating my delicate forearms. 230730
raze the kitchen cupboard that cut my ring finger open. 230802
raze an unintentional walnut explosion. 230811
raze a limo bus blasting bass-heavy music for newlyweds to twerk to while they posed for pictures in the park. 230812
raze a fly that keeps trying to bite me through my socks for reasons only it understands. 230814
tender_square the lamacoid machine shifting the plastic sheet as the needle carved, which made the design crooked and unusable. 230814
tender_square a mess of yellow crumbs on the front walkway. spilled coffee on the tile in the foyer. a throw-away cup with a little liquid left and a whole lot of cigarettes floating in it on the stoop. this tenant is testing my fucking patience. 230818
raze a lawnmower that should have stayed asleep. 230819
raze the first sunburn i've had in a good few years. i guess that's what i get for half-assing it with the sunscreen on the back of my neck. 230820
tender_square getting my thumb caught in the car door while attempting a soft close. 230824
raze a lengthy list of indignities and stupidities. 230828
tender_square motorists driving under the speed limit on the hellscape that is walker when traffic was not congested.

bending my thumbnail back and watching the bloody bloom beneath keratin.
raze a mosquito bite on my knuckle. 230914
raze accidentally hitting myself in the face. 230923
tender_square seeing litter in a nature preserve. 230923
tender_square the fickleness of technology. (i must've shot my computer the finger and told it to fuck off about eighteen times.) 230924
raze a stubborn usb cable. 230925
raze losing my grip on a bottle of water and watching as three quarters of its contents sprayed onto the floor. 231001
raze another stubbed toe. 231014
raze a healthy tree being mutilated so people born without imagination can deceive themselves into believing their lives have purpose. 231018
raze the awful music made by essex_terminal_railway. 231023
raze this laptop freezing up and restarting without warning for the tenth time in the last six weeks. 231026
raze my favourite prefuse 73 album deciding to stop working just before i made it to the last track. i thought about breaking the cd in half. i settled for chucking it across the room. 231123
raze somehow contriving a way to hit my head on the dryer door while i was fetching socks. 231130
raze my left elbow. 231204
raze a lampshade. 231208
raze smacking my head on an appliance again. this time it was the freezer door. 240126
e_o_i Trying to get university transcripts. 240126
raze this decrepit old ok_computer shutting down on me at random for what feels like the twentieth time this year. 240309
raze my camera being a prankster again. 240314
raze this bullshit winter wind.

first_day_of_spring my ass.
e_o_i Money. If it has to exist, why can't I have more?

(Also there is a town called Fucking and I found that momentarily amusing.)
releaseofwarmth happy_birthday_pony

fucking shit. jesus fucking christ.
releaseofwarmth I should clarify these are exclamations of bewilderment. not of contempt or anything. a very extreme "wow" 240319
Soma wrapping my arms and legs up again
layer over layer of self-adhesive bandage
like i'm in some anime training montage
instead of pathetically
slathering on antihistamine cream
as I cry, naked in the shower,
tired of hives
warmthofrelease fluids

it's rather fucking good

I almost feel bad for almost overlooking it. hope that didn't and doesn't make me a fucker. but I forgive myself. that gets easier to do with practice I've found.
raze hitting myself in the face with the back door while i closed it. i'm still not sure how that happened. 240327
raze the shitting sheets that won't stay on this goddamn bed no matter what i fucking do. 240403
e_o_i It's fucking snowing. 240403
Soma I made new swear words as they punched a hole in my cervix. 240404
raze the sound of a basketball being bounced for two hours nonstop. 240406
raze whatever the hell i just did to the big toe on my left foot.

add this to the list of things i didn't need to learn today: a damaged nail bed bleeds more than you might think.
raze i'll give you a hint: it rhymes with "brain thistle". 240415
raze someone banging on something. "fuck you, whoever the fuck you are," i said. not that they could hear me. 240429
raze almost spraining my thumb grabbing a pair of socks. 240508
raze it would be more difficult to list things that *didn't* make me detonate a series of f-bombs today. 240515
what's it to you?
who go