ever dumbening ...they'd be ZZ_Top

cuz we baaaad,
we're nationwide
ClairE they wouldn't be black.

There'd be no such thing.
god they'd be white-out white and have wings and fangs. 020615
kerry no one would know how to dance. 020615
Joana. My god, Jazz wouldn't exist... and most decent music, for that matter. 020615
farmfish no one be dunkin' thee hoop baby. and no one be sayin' "yee-ah, yee-ah." and there'd be nobody bootylicious. 020615
Mateo A zebra goes to heaven and asks god if hes black with white stripes or white with black stripes. God answers "you are what you are"

The zebra tels this to saint Peter and saint peter says "then you are white with black stripes. Becauce if you were black with white stripes god would have said : you is what you is brother"
ever dumbening this is not at all what i intended 020616
Toxic_Kisses than I'd be able to understand what they were sayin *shrugz* I've never really been able to understand slang and I feel like such an idiot when I can't understand 'em 020617
daxle white people should be black
but what about the multitudes of inbetweens at different ratios, and those who have many other cultures as well? There are different colors and origins of both "blacks" and "whites", not to mention all the others. There aren't "opposites" persay, so how would we calculate everyone's inverse?
It's easier when we're all just blue.
Mateo If I could choose between everybody being white or everybody being black, Id choose black. Not because of a racial preference, but because Id love to go around calling everybody "My nigger". That and no more sunblock. 020618
User24 agrees totally with mateo. 020805
eklektic i wonder how many blatherers are black. i am. anyone else? 020806
bethany then white boys could dance 020806
black_wave is white then white_wave_would_be_gray. 040310
kaibutsu black is a cosial construct.

so is white.

oldephebe Nobody and I mean NOBODY has used the word h***** since what? circa 1975? i'v never actually heard it used by suburbanite or inner city blacks...

nobody i've ever known has even passively used it as a referant or descriptive agent in relating the antics of an aggrieved "brother" or "sister" toward a member of the caucus mountains diaspora...

at this point (same as it ever was)i'd say the word is pretty much efette..as a term...an absurd anachronism no one would ever think to use...aside from its' odious bigotted insinusations....
Novice is Actually African-American Well newayz old phebe...I dunno what would happen if I was white instead of black...probably nothing I don't act like "supposed" "black" kids newayz 040311
oldephebe and so you felt moved to make that revelation in response to:? 040311
Novice it has nothing if nething to do with you, but I have absolutely no true and full understanding of what you talking about. I was responding to the Blather subject but if it makes you feel better, I remove my well newayz old phebe, from my first blathe 040311
oldephebe umm..no offense was intended..i was just non plussed by the comment..i thought perhaps our words had intersected on another page..or something and so i was just "probing for clarity"

aight brah? or sistah..not really sure of your gender...
Novice I didn't take Offense, and um no I don't think our words have before. Also I'm not a brah or a sistah...

You can just try calling me Kim...how about that?
oE Hmmm..that sounds just Jim Dandy ta me Kim. that is authentic exuberance and good will mind you not faux or forced or exagerated for ironic effect.. 040312
what's it to you?
who go