Princess Shar A wonderfully distracting device that makes people in piddly places like Iowa and New Hampshire feel empowered.

Wurked fer me.
Q damn, you must've voted the wrong way then 000125
camille a meeting of minds in deciding who's in and who's without... 000126
arnaud je ne sais pas ce que c'est qu'un caucus.
les catus sont des amies de la lune
st3fan asked google:
Caucus Systems - Online Collaboration for virutal teams...
couscous a middle eastern dish, with camel, i think 020327
joe cup i see lesbian people 020818
god is a word that always stumps me, because for some reason it has middle-eastern connotations for me, it's like someone says, "hi, im a lesbian" and i start smelling incense and seeing turbans and camels or something, i know i'm weird, i know i'm stupid, please just ignore me. 020818
trixie i think of an overtly sexual bug. 030511
pipedream excuse me, caucus is from the caucus race in chapter two or three of alice's adventures in wonderland. keep the focus.

and while we're at it- who wants to join in?
/anon caucus caucus caucus!
caucus caucus caucus!(its a caucus line)

what's it to you?
who go