ethereal I will run with this cool breeze tonight
Guided by the haze of the crescent moon
I will run starring straight into the faded skies
Run until my lungs fail and all I can breathe are the stars
lou_la_belle possibly the purest breaths you will take... 040528
ever dumbening 'i am made from the dust of the stars
and the oceans flow in my veins'

summer blue, one hour past the setting
drifting along the bayshore
back to where we
played last night
with balls of fire
sab dry
dusty cough
hot pain tearing through my lungs

waking up coughing again
mouth filling with blood
and hard lung tissue

jsut like breathing in stars.

at least, im closer to god, this way
emmi closer to god is the one who's in love- damien rice 040529
megan shed_your_skin
show me everything that is you... everything within.
you are so beautiful on the outside, it's got to be lovely inside there
i wish to peek within your every thought, your every feeling.
i want to know you completely, utterly more than myself.
i want you to know what it's like to be loved for your inside, rather than your outside that you get loved for so much. i want you to know that you don't have to put on an act in order to feel special.
you are special.
breathe the stars baby, you deserve it.
pete i wish the city haze didnt make them so dim!! i cant see any of the western sky any more, the north has more or less always been a write off, the south too (city stretchs north/south where i am... at the big river it goes east/west).. eastern sky is fading, and right above is just the little dipper, my friend.. soon, though, i bet she will be gone too!

if only i could..
Borealis if you breathe the stars
I will breathe
in the pureness.
between stars
pete thats where the comfort is, the space between 040531
notme the_stars_that_are_you
retract brokenhearts
no reason you were just bundles of energy but without you we couldn't have made it through the night
breathe in breathe out breathe in
i can still see
the flickers in your eyes
don't give up
Syrope winter + beach = pretty stars 041121
unhinged . 061122
pSyche they'll burn in your lungs
and they've sharp edges to tear your throat
sab and peace falls like leaves
as i picture a garden in the dark
slowly growing
superleni but don't chew the rocks that cool there 061123
- - 080620
what's it to you?
who go