kooter punx n skinz 001208
camper van sajak take the skinheads bowling, take them bowling. 001208
el chorizon i cut the swastika tat off the bicep of a skin who wouldn't get out of my face.

don't call the tune if you're not prepared to dance.

see deadkennedys

nazi punks fuck off
Scarlet I used to date a skinhead guy. He was a jerk. He would spit water in my face and then try to start a fight with me. Finally he got sick of the fact that I wouldn't change for him, and he dumped me for a skinny little skinhead girl. 011003
bijou i hate them. and i don't hate anyone. 011004
jayseehc skinhead's aren't racist, people. If you wanna rant about how much you hate nazis, go do that, that's great. I hate nazis, too. If you wanna rant about how much you hate racists, go do that, I hate racists, too. If some skin gets on here and posts about hate and calls black people the n word and says how much he hates jews or talks about supreme white power, then he's a nazi skinhead, and I'll help you tell him to get the hell off this board. But don't hate on the skins who AREN'T like that. Dude, the one thing I hate most is when people see my head is shaved and assume I'm a racist or a nazi. Go look up S.H.A.R.P. you guys. Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice. I'm a skin. I'm not dumb, I'm not violent, I'm not racist. I'm proud to be an American, and I love my Oi. So don't hate me, because I don't hate any of you. 020910
niska some people can't help having no hair.
some people just like the feeling of having no hair.

judging someone's character by their hairstyle is as ignorant as judging them by the color of their skin.

Gordon on Sesame Street was bald. I hardly think he's a racist...
splinken sharps are sexy. 030406
whome Today someone said, "Yeah, he looks like a neo-nazi! A really gay neo-nazi." 031103
leeann you all make me sick!!!! 031119
misstree is getting contentious again i can only assume that you're basing your illness on the assumption that skinheads are nazi skins. *you* make me sick, as if that's the case, you're judging people for being judgemental without even reading the page.

if you're nauseated by the lack of nazism in traditional skins, well, you still make me sick.
girl_jane I remember when Richard shaved his head. I'd always come up behind him and rub my hand over the tiny stubly hairs that were growing back. I liked the way they felt. 031119
puredream I've been called a skinhead about 40 times to date. 040611
puredream since TUESDAY!!! 040611
dosquatch 41, ya farkin' skinhead ;)

How's the lifestyle change going?
bijou i would like to revoke my former comment. i based my impression off of a bad one. 040917
manchew jewman

wheres everyone gone?? A whole decade has nearly gone by since this started
what's it to you?
who go