typhoid rain, rain, go away
come again another day
josie the thoughts that litter my mind 000626
Thyartshallshant No, you cant make me! 001226
. : * p s y b o r g * : . I agree, go away 011030
bethany says autistic Sassy almost incoherently ever hour of everyday. she's so entertaining but so one understands what she's saying exept for three things. Aw fuckoff, i'm mad, and go away. when everyone asks her to say things, so maybe they can understand her i understand why she always says go away. personally i'd reather hang out with sutistic sassy than 92% of my high school graduating class, and 67% of my college graduating class. 020211
please please 020707
quotree we don't like... children... we're allergid... 020707
Deomis It was easier to tell her to go away
Than to say the words
That might bring her back to me
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl because if you touch me again, im afraid i might just have to jump on you.

go away
ive had enough of this expectance inside
even though i was told
(in no uncertain terms)
that there was no hope

so i know how to solve this yearning
you can leave me the fuck alone
so that i can cry and get over you
instead of seeing you and feeling it start again

so go away
so that i am left in peace
screaming inside
but i cant control this pain with you here
if i push you away
you'll never find out how i feel
which is good because if you knew then you'd see inside me
and although you know me so much more than anyone else,
i cant do that
because you said yourself
that if you know all a persons secrets,
there is nothing left of them;
they are an open and exposed book.

witchesrequiem I said don't go away, turned of the lights and then you said please don't follow me and you cared.

You stole my passion.
Burned my everything.
There all the same here.
Locked up change deep inside of me.

You kept your feelings hidden like a psycho.
Burned it all down.
Take me with you.
Won't you let me go?

spiffy let me be 040607
pete i feel the need to go again. to leave. but where to? i guess the easiest thing is just to log off this computer. not go back to class. its almost time for the open mike.

cheers to live amature folk music!
three words light go_away spiral_of_pain 050316
f go away you silly web stie 050316
f go away you silly web stie 050316
f joy and pain ....
sunshine and rain.
unhinged meaningless_punctuation strictly_capitalized 070324
sing song hello Kylie !

they didn't play your music on my birthday !

oh well .. i love you in neighbours ..
i think you are cool all the time !
one fine day! oh i only like George Clooney because he helps little children in hospital... and because he is...


now go away !

Judy - you went red too ! piss off !
huh! i've got a north star...
what else do i need?
unhinged leave me alone
you stupid fuck
i can't forgive you
i won't forgive you
just go away
what's it to you?
who go